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  • 更新时间: 2011/11/30 23:09:07
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  第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)
  第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  从A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  1. —We plan to tar children to Taiyuan Expo this weekend.
  —________. It’s really worth visiting.
  A.My God  B.Congratulations    C.I don’t think so    D.Great
  2. Many experts stick to the view that teacher development is ______ the key to quality education lies.
  A. which     B. what      C. where       D. that
  3.The BRICS countries (金砖国家) have _____to be a source of global economic development.
  A. wort    B. put out      C. turned out       D. tat
  4. ---It’s a long time ____ I last saw you.
  ---Yes, and it will be another year ___ we can meet again.
  A. since; before B. before; since  C. since when     D. when; before
  5. --- What does the sign over there mean?
  --- No person _______ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.
  A. will        B. shall              C. may               D. must
  6. It is the trouble ______ was caused by the terrorists ______ makes the situation even worse.
  A. what; that      B. that; that     C. which; who       D. that; who
  7. When we got to the cinema, the movie Panda2_______, and we only saw the end of i
  A. just finished   B. have just finished   C. had just finished      D. was finishing
  8. Taobao is Asia’s largest retail(零售的)network platform, ________ people can buy and sell many kinds of things.
  A. when     B. that     C. where      D. whose
  9. ________ with this fiercely competitive society, _______ English well and you’ll succeed.
  A. Faced; master   B. Faced; mastering    C. Having faced; master   D. To face; mastering
  10. The driver was at ___ loss when ___ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.
  A. /;the   B. a; the    C. /; /      D. a; /
  11. For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree _______.
  A. in sight        B. on earth       C. at a distance       D. in place
  12. Those young men were _______ by the police with causing a disturbance in the neighborhood.
  A. blamed    B. charged       C. scolded     D. accused
  13. The Great Wall is ________tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.
  A. so well­known a                B. a so well­known
  C. such well­known a               D. a such well­known
  14. —What do you think of the blind man?
  —I've never seen a man with____   sense of touch.  
  A. the better       B. the best     C. a good            D. a better
  15. The drunken driver, rather than the passers-by       for the traffic accident.
  A. was to be blamed             B. were to blame
  C. was to blame               D. were to be blamed
  第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
  It happens every day, everywhere I go. At the supermarket and the post office, people keep telling me to enjoy my kids while they are   16  . I spend my days taking care of them and answering   17  questions about everything from why we have two eyes but one nose to    18    there are toilets in the heaven. They    19  me from eating a  full meal or getting a full    20   sleep.
  Yet, the other day, when I took my kids to a children’s museum, I began to   21   what people were trying to tell me. It was the   22  time we had gone there without diaper (纸尿片) bag, baby bottle or stroller (小推车). As I watched my sons paint there, I was suddenly   23   by a wave of    24  . My babies weren’t babies any more.
  Now I’m paying more attention to the   25  that won’t happen when my kids are  26  . I’m enjoying the minute when Christ loop the sky and cried  27 “Wow! The moon!” In a few  28  , it will take a rare Shrek card or something else to get him that excited. I’m  29  the moment when Nicholas put down his fork at dinner and asked, “Mommy, how are you doing?” About ten years from now, he  30  not care about me. When they’re in primary school, they won’t want to hold my  31  any more. In junior high school, they won’t hug me and say, “I love you, too.” In high school, they won’t even want to be   32   together with me.

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