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  • 资源类别: 译林牛津版 / 高中试卷 / 高一上学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 73 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/11/25 22:20:20
  • 资源来源: 会员改编
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  Name __________ Points __________
  1. Much attention should be paid _____the wild animals as many of them are dying out. 
  A. to protecting   B. to protect      C. protecting       D. protect 
  2. I like the book _____ the cover is red.
  A. whose    B. of which    C. which    D. of whose
  3. After______ , he realized that he was wrong in doing that .
  A. sometimes     B. some  time     C. sometime    D. some times
  4. Who can think of a situation ________this word can be used ?
  A. which         B. that            C. where       D. in that
  5. Can you believe that in______a rich country there should be ______ many poor people?
  A. such, such      B. such, so        C. so, so       D. so, such
  6.The way you thought of _________ the work is very good.
  A. doing          B. to do          C.  that do       D. which to do
  7. I’ll remember the time_______ we spent together in the country.
  A. when           B. at which       C. that        D. during which
  8.Rencently I bought an ancient vase ,_______ was very reasonable.
  A. which price      B. the price of which   C. its price   D. the price of that
  9. He is not the man _______ he used to be.
  A. what   B. that   C. which    D. as
  10. Here is the bicycle _______ in the shop.
  A. that you saw it   B. that saw it      C. you saw      D. you saw it
  11. Those _______ to take part in the game write down your names, please.
  A. who      B. who want      C. that wants     D. want
  12. The family ______ I stayed with in New York are coming to Beijing.
  A. which   B. whom   C. what    D. whose
  13. The man _________ you are talking is in the next room.
  A. to whom      B. about who     C. who          D. whom
  14. The reason _______ he can’t come is that he has to work late.
  A. because   B. that     C. why     D. for
  15. I don’t like the way _____ he spoke to me.
  A. by that    B. what    C. by which     D. /
  16. We had to put off our journey _____ the weather was so bad.
  A. as      B. unless      C. though     D. if
  17. I am sorry I missed ____ you while in England.
  A. to see      B. to have seen     C. seeing    D. saw
  18. After a short rest, he ____ his work.
  A. went on      B. continued    C. remained    D. lasted
  19. The town _____ we visited last month is the one _____ the writer was born.
  A. where, which   B. which, where   C. in which, that   D. where, where
  20. The hotel ____ you are thinking, my dear, is just a bit expensive for us.
  A. that     B. where    C. of which    D. which
  In America, where labor costs are so high, “do it yourself” is a way of life. Many people repair their own cars, build their own garage, even (1) _____ their own houses.

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