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  • 更新时间: 2011/11/16 17:24:49
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What does the girl mean?
  A. She has lent her notes to someone else.
  B. The boy can have her biology notes now.
  C. She can’t find her biology notes.
  2. What do we know about Grandma?
  A. She wanted to go to the university when she was old.
  B. She thought it improper for her to go to the university.
  C. She didn’t have a chance to go to the university.
  3. Which century did the paintings belong to according to the man?
  A. Seventeenth century.     B. Eighteenth century.     C. Nineteenth century.
  4. What season is it now?
  A. Autumn.         B. Summer.        C. Spring. 
  5. Where are the two speakers?
  A. At a clothing store.      B. At a dry cleaner’s.      C. In a coffee shop.
  6. What does the man complain about?
  A. His credit card.       B. His airline bill.        C. His telephone bill. 
  7.What will the woman do first?
  A. Fill out a form.       
  B. Investigate the matter.     
  C. Ask a representative to meet the man.
  8. What show does the club have tonight?
  A. A dance show.        B. A music show.      C. A talk show.
  9. What food can the man have in the club?
  A. French food.       B. Japanese food.      C. Italian food.
  10. How much will the man pay for the show at nine?
  A. $ 30.         B. $ 15.         C. Free. 
  11. What do we t Lisa?
  A. She doesn’t listen to her mom’s words.
  B. She always has trouble with her father.
  C. She often come home late night.
  12. What is Lisa’s father’s attitude towards Lisa?
  A. He is very angry with her.  
  B. He doesn’t care about her. 
  C. He never gets excited with her.
  13. Why does the woman talk to the man?
  A. To make a complaint.     B. To ask for help.       C. To find Lisa. 
  14. Why does the woman call the police?
  A. She has something stolen.  
  B. Someone is breaking into her house.
  C. Someone is making big noise in her garden.
  15. What do we know about the woman’s neighbours?
  A. They are not at home now.  
  B. They don’t get on well with her.
  C. They will come to help her soon.
  16. What is the woman’s telephone number?

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