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  • 资源大小: 21 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/11/2 11:19:02
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  21.After the war,a lot of serious problems___ and the price of  food____by 20%.
  A. rise  ,rise  B. rose ,  arose  C. arose ,rose  D. raised, aroused
  22.When the traffic lights turned green, the police_____ the child to cross the street.
  A. signaled   B. signed  C. sight   D. sigh
  23.  We will never forget Mr.Smith,______ help we have made great progress.
  A. his  B. with whom  C. who  D. with whose
  24.  ---Who is in the restaurant?
  A. No one   B. None   C. Nothing   D. Not one.
  25. With time___by , the city is becoming  crowded.  More and more buildings appear on ____ side of the street.
  A. passes,both  B.  passing,neither  C. passing,either  D. passed,every
  26. Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other activities _____ for children.
  A. designed   B. designing C. to design   D. having designed
  27.We teachers don’t want ____ any students staying in the classroom after school.
  A. there are   B. there being     C. there to be  D. there been
  28._____ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.
  A. Giving  B. To give  C. Given  D. Having given
  29.We must work hard, and ____ we must believe in ourselves.
  A. in all  B. above all  C. after all  D. at all
  30.No matter how frequently ____, the works of Beethoven still appeal to people all over the world.
  A. performed   B. performing    C. to be performed D. being performed
  31.Although the old lady has a son and a daughter,______lives with her.
  A.none of whom    B. none of them   C.all of whom   D.neithe of them
  32.With all the things ______, he left the office _________.
  A. done, hurrily   B.doing ,hurry   C.done, hurry   D.doing, hurrily
  33. When his father came in , the boy pretended_______ aloud.
  A. to read   B. to have read   C. to be reading   D. reading
  34.It’s _______ that there is nobody in the street.
  A. so a cold day    B.such cold a day  C .such a cold day   D. so a day cold
  35. –We heard he had gone abroad.
  A. So did he.   B. So he did. C. Neither did he.  D. Nor did he.

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