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  2011年 中 考 模 拟 试 卷
  题号 第一部分卷Ⅰ 第二部分卷Ⅱ
  听力部分 笔试部分 听力部分 笔试部分
  得分 评卷人
  听力部分 (第一节,共25分)
  Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  (   )1. A. cross      B. across                   C. grass
  (   )2. A. April. 21st     B. April. 24th                C. April. 4th    
  (   )3. A. preparing for lunch   B. coonch             C. having lunch
  (   )4. A. Our school is near a car park. B. Our school is close to a parr school is far away from home.
  (   )5. A. David isn’t busy.    B. David is free on weekends.  C. David is free on weekdays.
  Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  (   )6. A. Be careful     B. Come back early.     C. Have fun
  (   )7. A. I am a worker.   B. I come from Japan.    C. I am here for a visit.
  (   )8. A. two miles away.    B. twenty yuan.      C. two weeks.
  (   )9. A. Neither. I prefer coffee.  B. They are delicious.     C. Never mind.
  (   )10. A.I don’t like it.    B. No, I can’t.      C. Sure, I’d liit salad.
  Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  (   )11. A. He wants to be a doctor.  B. he wants to be an engineer.  C. He wants to be a teacher. 
  (   )12. A. 6:15.     B. 6:30                    C. 6:45  
  (   )13. A. Right now.    B. Quite soon.              C. At four.
  (   )14. A.                       B.                        C.
  (   )15. A.                       B.                       C.
  Ⅳ. 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
  (   )16.What kind of TV programs does Wang Mei like?
  A. Animals.                 B. Music.                C. Sports.
  (   )17. When will Midnight Meeting be on next week?
  A. From Monday to Thursday.  B. From Monday to Friday.  C. From Monday to Sunday.
  (   )18. How much is a student ticket?
  A. $ 4                     B. $ 2.8                  C. $ 8
  (   )19. Which sport do I like best?
  A. Basketball      B. Baseball         C. Football      
  (   )20. How many teams are there in the big NBA family?
  A. Twenty        B. Thirty           C. Forty           
  (   )21. Who is my favorite player?
  A. Yao Ming      B. Yi Jianlian        C. Sun Yue
  (   )22. What was the boy afraid of doing?
  A. Speaking English. B. Talking with the foreigners. C. Making mistakes.
  (   )23. Which advice did Mrs. James give to the boy?
  A. Talch as possible. B. Listen to tapes. C. Watch videos.
  (   )24. Where did the boy meet the foreigner?
  A. In a park.                 B. At KFC.       C. On a bus.
  (   )25. What question did the foreign ask the writer?
  A. He asked him where he was from B. He asked him if he could understand him. C. He asked him what to say.
  得分 评卷人
  (   )26. _______ Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.
  A. A                  B. An                     C. The                    D. 不填
  (   )27. We arrived _______ the village _______ a snowy night.
  A. at; on      B. at; in         C. in; at         D. in; on
  (   )28. ---How far is your cousin’s home from here?
  ---It’s about two _______ drive.
  A. hour’s      B. hours        C. hours’        D. hour

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