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  英 语 试 题
  Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)
  Section A (22.5 marks)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B, and C. listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.
  You will hear each conversation TWICE.
  Conversation 1
  1.What did Sam want to do now?
  A.Going to bed. B.Finish his homework. C.Map for an evening.
  2.What is the relationship between the two speakers most probably?
  A.Teacher and student. B.Classmates. C.Mother and son.
  Conversation 2
  3.Where does this conversation take place?
  A.In the theatre. B.At the entrance. C.At the ticket-office.
  4.Why is the woman allowed in the theatre with her dog?
  A.Her dog is very clever. B.She has got a ticket for it. C.There’re few people there.
  Conversation 3
  5.How many people are there in Jill’s family?
  A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.
  6.Who is David?
  A.Joseph’s son. B.Joseph’s friend. C.Jill’s son.
  Conversation 4
  7.Why is Mark in town?
  A.He has finished a job interview. 
  B.He has been on holiday in a hotel.
  C.He has gone back from his company.
  8.What does the man’s girlfriend want?
  A.She wants to find a job near Mark.
  B.She hopes Mark offered the job.
  C.She hopes Mark finds a job near her.
  9.Which of the following about the company  is NOT true?
  A.It held job interviews twice to select employees.
  B.It is probably close to where the woman stays.
  C.It refused to afford Mark’s expenses he spent getting there.
  Conversation 5
  10.What’s Betty’s problem?
  A.What kind of college to choose.
  B.What kind of major to choose.
  C.Which hospital to choose.
  11.What’s Betty’s own opinion?
  A.To go to business School.
  B.To go to medical school.
  C.She’s not sure.
  12.Why does Mr. Blacggest an arts college to Betty?
  A.Because students don’t have to pay.
  B.Because students study all the subjects.
  C.Because students can choose a major freely.
  Conversation 6
  13.What is Linda doing when the man speaks to her?
  A.She is practicing listening skills.
  B.She is seeing a film.
  C.She is writing a letter in French.
  14.How long will Linda stay in France?
  A.A year. B.Just few months. C.Two years.
  15.What will Linda do next month?
  A.Go to France to work on some basic conversation skills.
  B.Attend a special language class.
  C.Be accepted into a program.
  Section B (75. marks)
  Section A (15 marks)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
  Your will hear the short passage TWICE.
  About A Storm
  I. Results:
  ◆16.             were damaged.
  ◆one person was killed.
  ◆A lot of people were injured.
  ◆Over two hundred people were 17.             .
  II. Examples:
  ◆18.                was missing and then found safe but very frightened.
  ◆A woman’s family survived the storm but 19.            of their house came down.
  III. Measure:
  ◆20.          went to the area to help the people in trouble.
  Part II Language Knowledge(45 marks)

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