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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/2 16:08:33
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第Ⅰ卷( 共80分)
  1. ______ shortest distance between two people is ____ smile.
  A. A; the       B.The; /             C. A ; /            D.The ; a
  2. With competition in the job market becoming fierce, it’s quite ________ to have a job at all these days.
  A. something    B. anything       C. nothing        D. everything
  3. Success is not measured by what you achieve.  It’s measured by the courage ______ you struggle against the difficulties.
  A.of which        B. with which        C. of what      D. with what 
  4. If you can carry on, one day something good will happen. And you’ll realize that it wouldn’t have happened if not for that ________ disappointment.
  A. previous        B. precious           C. ridiculous       D. particular
  5. Since he always tells lies, I can’t tell ________ he said is true.   
  A. that what        B. what that         C. whether what     D. what if
  6. The findings of a study show that to limit TV viewing may _____ stronger relationships between young people, their friends and their parents.
  A. result in            B. lie in                C. take in           D.lead in
  7. In writing a composition, there must not be one sentence or even one word which is brought in ______.
  A. at random          B.at ease               C. on purpose         D. at times
  8. _____ everyone else is looking to popular atheletes, actors and musicians as positive models, my mom is my hero. 
  A. when         B.while             C. as          D. that
  9. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some ________ over 90 metres.
  A.measure        B. measures       C. measuring       D.measured
  10. Thanks to the reform and opening policy started in 1978, China _____ remarkable economic development and social transformation in the past three decades.
  A. has achieved     B. achieves        C. is achieved    D. achieved
  11. Not having enough food leads to poor health and, ______ , sickness.
  A. however      B.otherwise         C.therefore          D.instead
  12.--- Don’t be mad at me. I’m only five minutes late.
  --- This is the last time I’m waiting for you._______.
  A. I get it       B. I put it         C.I mean it       D. I make it
  13. In recent years, people have been _______ a great deal of importance to the holiday economy.
  A. attaching      B.attracting         C. attacking          D. assigning
  14. I am fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. She _________ be really stubborn.
  A. can          B.may              C. must             D. shall
  15. ______ a man knows what is not to be done, wiill he succeed in doi

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