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  英 语 试 题
  第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
  The ups and downs of life may seem unpredictable. But scientists know there are clear  1  that almost all people share. Even if you’ve passed your “best”, you still have other  2  years to come. Certain important high-points come later in life.
  When are you  3  ? From 18 to 25, according to I.Q. scores; but you’re wiser and more  4  with increasing age. At around 30, metal abilities begin to decline,  5   your ability to do maths. But your ability to complete other tasks  6  . For example, your vocabulary increases over time. At 60, your brain   7  almost four times as much information as it did at age 21. Because of this, some psychologists suggest that “maturity quotients” (M.Q.) be used to measure intelligence for  8  .
  When are you happiest? You have the best  9  sense of yourself from 15 to 24, when you feel energetic all the time. The best professional sense is from 40 to 49. Before age 24, we believe that our happiest years are yet to  10  , but when we are over 30, we believe that they’re behind us. After age 30, we’re more  11  and don’t view happiness as a goal in itself. If we maintain our health, achieve professional and emotional goals, then  12  , we feel, will follow. 
  When are you most creative? Generally between 30 and 39, but it  13  with different professions. The high-points in areas such as science and economics come  14  — most Nobel prize winners did their top research in their 20’s and 30’s —  but for people who keep an active mind, there is no upper age  15  .
  1.A.plans        B.lives          C.patterns        D.predictions
  2.A.good        B.stranger      C.interesting     D.difficult         B.smartest      C.most mature     D.most skilled
  4.A.powerful     B.energetic     C.experienced    D.satisfied
  5.A.generally     B.specially      C.mainly        D.particularly
  6.A.climbs      B.stops          C.matters
  7.A.recognizes    B.posseses       C.communicates  D.receives
  8.A.babies       B.teenagers       C.adults          D.elders
  9.A.mental      B.emotional      C.physical      D.personal
  10.A.come       B.last           C.remember      D.disappear
  11.A.confident    B.realistic        C.hopeful       D.grateful
  12.A.wealth       B.sharpness     C.wisdom       D.happiness
  13.A.agrees      B.varies         C goes            D.ends
  14.A.early       B.naturally       C.unexpectedly   D.recently
  15.A.demand     B.reason        C.choice          D.limit
  第二节 语法填空(共10题,每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
  阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16 ~ 25 的相应位置上。
  The Blacntry is about 10 miles from Birmingham. It’s made up of four districts: Dudley, Walsall, Sandwell, and Wolvehampton.
  Historically, it was famous for industry, which explains  16   the area is called the Black

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