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  • 更新时间: 2011/1/24 14:27:38
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  时量:120分钟  命题人:马曼辉  审题人:罗  京
  Section A (22.5 points)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question. You will hear each conversation TWICE.
  Conversation one
  1. What kind of dress would the speakers prefer for spring?
  A. Woolen.               B. Cotton.              C. Silk.
  2. What color does the woman prefer?
  A. Yellow.                B. Red.              C. White.
  Conversation two
  3. When will the hockey game begin?
  A. 5:15                   B. 5:50                C. 6:00
  4. What time will the speakers get there?
  A. At 5:15.                B. At 5:50.              C. At 5:45.
  Conversation three
  5. What is the man’s advantage for the job according to himself?
  A. He majored in communicating. B. He is good at making friends. C. He has some experience.
  6. What is the man’s biggest weakness according to himself?
  A. He likes working very much.  B. He is a little bit careless.   C. He is a little bit slow.
  Conversation four
  7. How old probably is the man?
  A. 78.                       B. 75.                   C. 72.
  8. Why does the woman come here?
  A. To meet her old neighbor.      B. To meet her client.        C. To look for her new office.
  9. Where is the new office complex?
  A. Next to a flower shop.         B. Behind a baker’s.         C. Next to a baker’s.
  Conversation five
  10. What kind of Americans likes to wear Italian-style clothes?
  A. Fat women.                B. Career women.           C. Rich women.
  11. According to the man, how can Italian fashions become more popular?
  A. If they are made more comfortable.    B. If they are made more practical.
  C. If their prices are reduced.
  12. In which country does this conversation probably happen?
  A. The United States.          B. Italy.                C. We don’t know.

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