Units 1-2单元测试题

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  • 更新时间: 2010/7/30 15:23:20
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约3540字。  Units 1-2单元测试题
  ______ the traffi, he didn’t catch his plane, which was reported to have crashed soon after it took off.
  A. Because of    B. On account of    C. Due to    D. Thanks to
  2.  You have to learn how to be a ______ first, and then to be a student.
  A. human being   B. people   C. person   D. man
  3.  A ______ has been launched by the netzens on the Net to get rid of unhealthy information which does harm to young students.
  A. struggle    B. paign   C. fight     D. battle
  4.  Measures have to be taken to teach young people how to ______ themselves both in family and in school. They don’t know the basianners.
  A. do      B. perform    C. behave   D. work
  5.  Before my father moved off, he told me again and again that I should ______ the rules and regulations of the school.
  A. make     B. watch     ain     D. observe
  6.  It is required by the authorities of school that students should be treated ______ by their teachers but how can a teacher respect them when the students show no respect for him?
  A. in respect   B. with respect   C. for respect   D. by respect
  7.  Stop _______me and do what you have been told.
  A. to argue with   B. arguing with   C. arguing  D. to argue
  8.  After meeting the beautiful young girl, the young man lay on his bed, wide awake, with wonderful ideas ______ into his mind.
  A. crossing     B. entering    C. crowding   D. reaching
  9.  There is no need for you to look up every new word you ______ when reading. You have to learn how to guess the meanings of new word according to the context.
  A. e up with     B. e out   e along with   D. e across
  10. As a laid-off worker, it is hard for her father to ______ the family, let alone send his children to key schools.
  A. bring up      B. raise      C. support    D. supply
  11. I always look _____ those who never look _____ others, even though they have achieved great achievements. 
  A. down on; up to   B. down upon; up to  C. forward to; down on  D. up to; down on
  12. Most young people don’t want _____ the kind of life that their parents ______.
  A. to lead; used to live   B.  living; used to live  C. to live; used to living  D. leading; used to live
  13. Do you still remember the key points that _______ in his report? I don’t remember them all.
  A. referred to   B. were referred     C. he was referred to  D. were referred to
  14.--- How did you manage to get such a nice old painting?
  ---Quite _______.
  A. by accidents    B. by a chance   C. by accident   D. by incident
  15. With the improvement of people’s living conditions, most mothers _______ in hospitals.
  A. have delivered their babies       B. have born their babies 
  C. have their babies born           D. have their babies delivered
  16. The book, which _______ children, bee popular with adults.
  A. was planned for   B. was meant by   C. was intended for   D. was designed by
  17. Whatever happens, they are determined to ______ the struggle to the end.
  A. carry on    B.  go on     C. continue on     D. insist on
  18. You should ________ these bad habits.
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