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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高一上学期试卷
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  • 资源大小: 72 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2010/5/22 0:25:00
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第一卷( 三部分,共115分)
  21. A number of students______ playing on the ground but I don’t know what the exaber ______. 
  A is; are            B are; are            C is; is              D. are; is      
  22. Great changes _________ in the city, and a lot of factories ____________ so far. 
  A. took place; were set up             B. have taken place; have set up 
  C. have taken place; have been set up    D. were taken place; set up
  23. Loot! Don’t get too close to the house ______ roof is under repair.
  A which           B whose            C that            D of which 
  24.It is generally considered unwise to give a child        he or she wants.
  A. no matter what   B. whichever   
  C. whatever         D. whenever   
  25. Jane has _______a clerk with little money for over ten years. 
  A. married      B. been married to       arried with       D. got married to     
  26. The little boy was in danger. The doctors and nurses are doing        him. 
  A. what they can do help B. everything they can help 
  C. what they can to help D. all what to help        
  27. --What do you think of the meal? 
  --Although some dishes _____, it really is a nieal. 
  A. don’t agree with me           B. don’t agree to me 
  C. are not used to me        D. used to me         
  28. Please speak more slowly and clearly to        yourself        at the beginning. 
  A. manderstand B. manderstood 
  C. let, understand D. let, to be understood     
  29. I don’t like the way _________ he speaks to his mother.   
  A. which         B. in which       C. of          D. to     
  30. As neither of them would ______, no decision was made that day. 
  A. give in     B. give up      C. give out      D. give off     
  31. I was about to go away        I heard my name       . 
  A. when, calling B. after, called C. before, calling D. when, called    
  32. The major of the pany said all the construction work __________ by the end of 2009.

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