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  • 更新时间: 2010/5/7 20:52:08
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  英  语  试  卷
  (满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟) 
  命题人: 钱艳年(泰州市第二中学附属初中)    缪红云(泰州海军中学)
  审题人: 金民(泰州市海陵区教研室)
  第一部分  选择题 (共 70分)
  一、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(15分) 1. —      will you show us around your school?
  — In a few days.
  A. How soon        B. How long   C. How often      D. How far
  2. I think      silly      him not to forgive others for their mistakes.
  A. it; for            B. it’s; of          C. that’s; of       D. it’s; for
  3. I asked Tom for _____ paper, but she didn’t have _____.
  A. any; some     B. any; any  e; some  D. some; any
  4. It’s time for test. Be quiet, please. I’m going to _____ your test papers.   
  A. give out   B. give up        C. hand in        D. wort
  5. — Would you mind if I open the window?
  —     . It’s not allowed here.
  A. Yes, please   B. That’s all right. C. No way     D. I’m afraid not
  6. —Have you found your lost era? 
  —No, I haven’t found _____, but I bought _____ this morning.
  A. one; that     B. it; one   C. that; one    D. one; it
  7. The man ______the bank and then ran away.     
  A. bit         B. robbed     C. took     D. broke
  8. What     great fun it is to listen to      good music!
  A. a, an    B. /, /      C. a, a   D. /, an
  9. It’s only _____ from the centre of Beijing by underground.
  A. 40 minutes’        B. 40 minutes   C. 40-minute   D. 40-minutes
  10. The school sports meeting     yesterday. Li Ming did     of all.
  A. held; bad     B. was held; badly   C. held; the worst  D. was held; the worst
  11. — Look. There’s a girl.      she be Cindy?
  —No, it     be her. She has gone to Yunnan.
  A. Must, mustn’t   B. May, may not  C. Can, can’t   D. May, won’t
  12. The new puter costs so      that Kate can’t afford it.
  A. expensive     B. cheap    C. high    D. much
  13. — I’m in a bad mood these days because of a hard problem.
  —      .
  A. You are right.     B. I’m sorry to hear that.  
  C. No problem.     D. You are wele.
  14. —Take this medicine three times a day, Tina.
  —Do I have to take it? It      so terrible.
  A. is tasting  B. is tasted  C. tastes    D. has tasted
  15. —Sorry, what did you say just now?
  —I asked      .
  A. when did he leave                B. why he has failed to go to college
  C. whom would you go with               D. how I could get to the station

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