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  • 资源大小: 115 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2010/4/29 19:07:45
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  一、 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  (     )1. We are planning           one-day trip.         trip must be fun, I think.
  A. a, The          B. an, The       C. the, A          D. the, The
  (     )2. If you do not know the meaning of the word, you can loop in a        .
  A. magazine      B. novel         C. dictionary       D. ic book
  (     )3. Shenzhou Ⅶ was sent up into space successfully       25th September, 2008.
  A. at             B. on           C. in             D. by
  (     )4. –I’d like a strawberry ice-. Would you like to have           , too?
  - No, thanks.
  A. it             B. one          C. that           D. this
  (     )5. The jacket fits me well, _______I don’t want to buy it because it costs too much..
  A. so            B. and          C. or            D. but
  (     )6. After the terrible disaster, the government tried to help the            people to rebuild their homes.
  A. endless           B. homeless       C. useless     D. harmless
  (     )7. --- All the T-shirts look nice. I can’t decide __________.
  --- The red one looks the best, I think .
  A. what shall I buy              B. which one can I buy   
  C. if I can buy one              D. which one I should buy
  (     )8. -Mum, may I play football with my ates after school this Tuesday?
  -               . You can only play football at weekends.
  A. Yes, you may                  B. No, you needn’t
  C. Yes, you can                    D. No, you can’t
  (     )9. Not only many foreign countries but also China           involved in the
  financial crisis(金融危机) at present.
  A. is            B. are           C. was            D. were
  (     )10. – I’m sorry. I’m late for the music presentation.
  - Why are you so late? The presentation            for 10 minutes.
  A. has begun     B. has stopped    C. has been over    D. has finished
  (     )11. –What about going hiking this afternoon, Simon?
  - I prefer        to        . It’s too hot outside.
  A. going hiking; staying at home          B. to stay at home; hike
  C. to hike; stay at home                 D. staying at home; going hiking
  (     )12. – Exe. When can we play badminton at the court?
  - Not until it                next week.
  A. repairs       B. will repair      C. is repaired     D. will be repaired
  (     )13. The firemen arrived quickly and soon              the fire.
  A. put on        B. put up         C. put out        D. put away
  (     )14. ---Why not e and join us in the game?
  --- __________. But I must meet Mr. Wu at his office now.
  A. I'd like to     B. Let's go        C. Yes, please        D. It's a pleasure
  (     )15.-I thin are the most suitable man to be the chairperson.
  -                   .
  A. It’s nice of you. Thanks           B. Don’t say so
  C. Oh, really? I can’t believe         D. Sure. I think so
  A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls, and nobody liked her. So she was   16   happy. She always stayed at home alone and didn’t talk to   17  . However, one day, her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip. When she wore it, she looked   18   prettier than before. She decided to go to school in the beautiful hair clip.
  On her way to school she found that everyone who saw her smiled at her.   19   of her sates said ‘hello’ to her, but this never happened before. She thought that the beautiful hair clip had    20    her them all. She was so happy about all of the wonderful things.   21    all her ates wanted to know what had happened to her, she didn’t want to tell them about her beautiful hair clip.
  When she went bae after school, her mother asked her, “Did you   22   your hair clip at home? I found it by the door this morning.”

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