高中英语必修二Unit5 Music单元同步测试卷

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  高中英语必修二Unit5 Music单元同步测试
  I. 选择填空
  1. His generosity _______ him the reputation of “The most generous man”in his area.
  A. made B. earned C. achieved D. gave
  2. The visitors said that they had never dreamed ______ such a beautiful scenery.
  A. there to be B. of there to be C. of there being D. of being
  3. Her parents want her to ________ in a government office, saying that a _____ job means ______ ine, but she thinks the other way around.
  A. employ; secure; secure B. be employed; certain; certain
  ploy herself; sure; sure D. be employed; secure; secure
  4. In big cities like London, Paris, New Yor can see street musicians _____ all kinds of music such as Rock’n’Roll, Jazz, the Blues in the streets.
  A. perform B. make C. act D. do
  5. I’d like to have these doents _______ in a minute.
  A. sorting out B. sorted out C. to be sorted out D. sort out
  6. ---How are you getting on with Mary, your girl friend?
  A. Break up B. Brop C. Break down D. Broken down
  7. It is a pity that none of the ______ stopped ______ the poor man lying there, begging.
  A. passer-bys; to help B. passers-by; helping
  C. passer-bys; helping D. passers-by; to help
  8. When she was asked how she had managed to live _______ with the man she hated so much, she didn’t ______ to the question.
  A. at peace; respond B. in peace; answer
  C. with peaake an answer D. in peace; respond
  9. Every time the father es into his room, the boy pretends ______ earnestly.
  A. reading B. to be reading C. to be read D. to have read
  10. Before agriculture ________, people made their living by hunting wild animals and their life was _______ of nature.
  A. e into being; at the mercy B. was born; in the mercy
  C. began to exist; in danger D. appeared; with the mercy
  11. When the inspecting team said there was nothing illegal in the management of the pany, the manager breathed deeply _______.
  A. with a relief B. at a relief C. in relief D. to his relief
  12. It is not easy for musicians to _____ the ability to pose songs and music at the same time.
  A. get B. form ake D. describe
  13. The little girl is not quite confident ______ her ability to go to a niversity and she is very sensitive _____ anything concerned with it.
  A. of; of B. in; to C. of; with D. about; about
  14. They _____ on the little professor, but it led to his fierce criti on us.
  A. played a joke B. made fun C. had fun D. performed a joke
  15. The picture in the advertisement showed an attractive actr
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