高中英语必修二Unit3 Computers单元同步测试卷

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  高中英语必修二Unit3 puters单元同步测试
  I. 选择填空
  1. Put the following events_______ according to the time when they happened and then put
  them ______ of their importance in history.
  A. in order; in order B. in the order; in an order
  C. in an order; in order D. in order; in order
  2. Though the experiment didn’t ______ as it had been planned, the result was still ______.
  A. wort; satisfied B. carry out; satisfying
  C. turn out; pleased D. wort; satisfactory
  3. _______what they have achieved in the past five years, we still have to long way to go.
  A. paring with B. pared with paring to D. pare to
  4. Though different body movements mean different things in different cultures, ______smile is ______ accepted as a sign of happiness or being friendly.
  A. the ; universally B. the; usually C. a; globally D. a; universal
  5. The procedures(程序) of operating a puter have been ______ several times, the results of which have made it much easier _______.
  A. cut down; to operate B. simplified; to be operated
  C. reduced; to be operated D. simplified; to operate
  6. Artificial intelligence can never be equal ________ .
  A. with that of us real humans B. to us real humans
  C. to that of us real humans D. with us real humans
  7. A puter can think logically and work millions and millions of times faster than a human but it _____ never replaans because it has to ________ to work.
  A. may; be programmed B. can; program
  C. should; program D. can; be programmed
  8. The application of the Internet is considered as a revolution in puter science, _______, puters could be connected with _______ to share information.
  A. as a result; one after another B. as the result, one another
  C. as a result; one another D. as the result; one to the other
  9. _______time goes by, puters are made smaller and smaller and nobody knows for sure how small _______ be made but there must be a limit.
  A. With; they can B. As; they can C. When; they can D. While; can they
  10. With more applications to be invented ______ puters, they are sure, for the most part, to improve our life quality.
  A. for B. to C. with D. of
  11. Apart from being applied in such fields _______ munication, finance and trade, puters also play an very important part in making mobile phones, medical operations ________ in space exploration.
  A. like; as long as B. as; as well as C. like; as good as D. as; as far as
  12. Whatever you say about what I did the other day, I meant no harm to you ________.
  A. in a way B. by the way C. anyway D. on the way
  13. _______ the help of this new type of calculator, people will be able to _______ much faster with more accurate figures as a result.
  A. With; calculate B. Under; wort C. By; mat
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