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  • 更新时间: 2010/2/4 13:21:11
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  21.He his students to read the book before seeing the movie. Which of the following answers is wrong?
  A. required B. remended anded D. advised
  22. When the post finally bee , they offered it to Fiona.
  A. evident B. vacant petent D. empty
  23. He went ahead and did it, the sequences.
  A. in favour of B. on behalf of C. by means of D. regardless of
  24. It to her that she might adopt a homeless child.
  A. occurred B. happened C. struck D. reflected
  25. We this programme to bring you an improtant news bulletin.
  A. annoy B. interrupt C. disturb D. substitute
  26. He said that that was the second time that he London.
  A. went to B. would go to C. has been to D. had been to
  27. I really to for parking.
  A. oppose; being charged B. boycott; fined
  C. object; being charged D. contradict; being fined
  28. flour purchased from the local supplier.
  A. Scores of; was B. Quantities of; were
  C. A large quantity of; were D. Quantities of; was
  29. He had an eccentric character and my sister found it hard him. As a result, they got divorced.
  A. to p with B. to meet with C. to put up with D. to be fed up with
  30. The books in the library according to subject.
  A. are deposited B. are classified C. are adapted D. are donated
  31. The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being to the care of strangers.
  A. abandoned B. resisted C. distributed D. apanied
  32. He was asked the question the accident was entirely due to the truck driver.
  A. that B. which C. whether D. if
  33. The high cost of equipment prohibits many people this sport.
  A. to tap B. from tap C. to participate in D. from joining
  34. You’ve done so much wor pass the exam.
  A. are bound to B. tend to C. up to D. are dying to
  35. In politics britain has preferred to revolution.
  A. exploration B. evolution C. expedition D. meditation
  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  At the 1924 Olympies in Paris, the sport of canoe(赛艇)racing was added to the list of international petitions. The favorite team in the four-man canoe 36 was the United States team. One member of that team was a young man named Bill Havens.
  As the 37 for the Olympics neared, it bee clear that Bill’s wife would give 38 to their first child at about the same time, so Bill 39 himself in a dilemma(左右为难的困境).Should he go to Paris or should he stay at home with his family and 40 about the Olympics? After all, peting in the Olympics was one of his lifelong 41 .
  Bill, after a great deal of thinking, decided to withdraw fr
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