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  • 更新时间: 2010/1/28 19:15:51
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  时 量 120分钟 满 分 100分
  命题人:张树凯 纪爱萍 审题人: 胡惠玲
  1.Where does the dialogue probably take place?
  A.On the seaside. B.At the hotel.  C.In the restaurant.
  2.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A.Brother and sister. B.Husband and wife. C.ates.
  3. What does the girl mean?
  A.Mr. Walmsley is very kind.
  B. The boy doesn’t need to worry.
  C. She likes Mr. Walmsley.
  4.What time did the plane leave?
  A.At 11:15. B.At 11:05. C .At 11:25.
  5.What do we learn from this conversation?
  A.The girl went to New Zealand during Christmas.
  B.The girl went to visit her uncle during her summer holidays.
  C.The girl liked the weather in New Zealand.
  听第6段材料, 回答第6至第7两个小题。
  6.What does the woman order at the beginning?
  A.A piece of cake. B. An apple pie. C.A cup of tea.
  7.What’s the man’s favorite drink?
  A. Some coffee. B. A cup of tea. e apple juice.
  听第7段材料, 回答第8至第10三个小题。
  8. How many people stay at home to spend their vacation now?
  A. 90%. B.40%. C.50%.
  9. Why does the woman say that people are being more and more mobile?
  A.They like ping now.
  B.They spend their holiday with their friends.
  C.They are traveling a lot.
  10. Why do more and more people go ping now?
  A. The seaside has lost its attractions.
  B. People are eager to get close to nature.
  C.The mountains are more beautiful than the seaside.
  11.What does the man thint the car?
  A.It’s like a candy. B. It’s really nice. C. It’s new.
  12.If you drive the car at high speed, it won’t remain_________ .
  A.bumpy B. smooth C. safe
  13. Where will the two speakers drive to?
  A.The highway. B. Anywhere the man likes. C. The mall.
  14.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Strangers. B.Friends. C.Husband and wife.
  15. Which statement referring to the man is NOT true?

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