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  英语(Module 2)
  1. What is the most probable relationship between Jessie and May?
  A. Sisters. B. ates. C. Workmates.
  2. Where were Jessie and May going when the accident occurred?
  A. To the library. B. To the hospital. C. To their homes.
  3. How was May hurt?
  A. She was hit by an ambulance.
  B. She fell off her bicycle.
  C. She was hit by a taxi.
  听第二段对话, 回答第4~6题。
  4. From the conversation, which of the following maps is correct?
  5. What did the woman do last night?
  A. She went to the bookshop.
  B. She went to see a movie.
  C. She bought some bread.
  6.What do we know about the man?
  A. He wants to buy some bread.
  B. He loves to watovies.
  C. He doesn’t have a mobile phone.
  听第三段独白, 回答第7~9题。
  7. When will President Bush arrive in China?
  A. Deber 6. B. Deber 15. C. Deber 21.
  8. What is the main purpose of Mr Bush’s visit to China?
  A. To go sightseeing. B. To see Chinese farming products. C. To discuss trade affairs.
  9. What places will the President visit while in China?
  A. The Summer Palace and Hong Kong.
  B. The Great Wall and Guangxi.
  C. Shanghai and Guilin.
  听第四段独白, 回答第10~12题。
  10. What is the conference about?
  A. Education. B. Technology. C. Classroom teaching.
  11. What does the speaggest people do during the morning break?
  A. Talk to the other people.
  B. Have their lunch together.
  C. Go to the front of the ball.
  12. How mue do they have for lunch?
  A. One hour. B. One and a half hours. C. Two hours.
  听第五段对话, 回答第13~15题。
  13. Where does this conversation most likely take place?
  A. In a university office. B. In Mr Roberts’office. C. In Ms Smith’s office.
  14. Which university did Ms Smith graduate from?
  A. University of Technology. B. Sydney University. International College.
  15. What can be concluded(得出结论)from the conversation?
  A. Ms Smith was a good listener.
  B. Mr Roberts was the manager of IBM.
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