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  • 更新时间: 2010/1/7 13:23:35
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  Unit 1
  1. It sounds a good idea, but it r__________ to be seen whether it will succeed.
  2. This old vase dates from the Ming D__________.
  3. Our school gave a r__________ to our new principal.
  4. Some articles of f__________ were lost when we moved to the new house.
  5. They succeeded in the experiment on the fifteenth t__________.
  6. There is some e__________ to suggest that he was there on the night of the murder.
  7. In the long journey, he p__________ a most amusing panion.
  8. He p__________ to be doing his homework when the teacher e in.
  9. Her sudden disappearance was a plete m__________.
  10. It is said that the pirates (海盗) buried their t__________ on this island.
  Unit 2
  11. We were impressed by the ruins of an a__________ building.
  12. C__________ among youths to enter the best colleges is intense (激烈的).
  13. The fairy’s m__________ changed the two brothers into ducks.
  14. Don’t be late for your i__________, or you won’t get the job.
  15. The a__________ won two gold medals in the Olympics.
  16. She a__________ that she had stolen the bicycle.
  17. Even if Lincoln was not ready to admit it, blacks knew that this was a war against
  18. He r__________ his brother as captain because his brother was ill.
  19. Can you r__________ what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind?
  20. If you want to sell your product, you had better a__________ it.
  Unit 3
  21. Let’s a__________ the problem and see what went wrong.
  22. The development of the steam engine was the greatest t__________ advance of the 19th
  23. The automobile caused a r__________ in our way of traveling.
  24. The plan sounds s__________ enough but it will be difficult to put it into action.
  25. Can a__________ intelligence take place of human intelligence in the future?
  26. You should take a__________ of the fine weather to paint the fence.
  27. What kind of m__________ is the bridge made of?
  28. She said she didn’t like it, but p__________ I thought it was very good.
  29. Unexpected difficulties a__________ in the course of their experiment.
  30. They s__________ their child with too much praise.
  Unit 4
  31. Man should protect w__________ for his own existence.
  32. You will e__________ your health if you work so hard.
  33. Did you report the l__________ of your jewelry to the police?
  34. There are many s__________ of roses in this garden.
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  • 李红蕾1987 于07-29 10:19发表评论: 第1楼
  • 不错