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  • 更新时间: 2009/10/3 21:26:47
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What is the man?
  A. A ticket salesman. B. A polian. C. A conductor.
  2. Why is Jasper leaving for New Zealand?
  A. To study and learn about its culture. B. To go sightseeing.
  C. To go bae.
  3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
  A. Summer vacation plans. B. An online course. C. Earlier graduation.
  4. How much does the woman earn for a year?
  A. $750. B. $1,080. C. $960.
  5. What does Tom mean?
  A. Ann should shut the door. B. Ann shouldn’t have stayed at the library so long.
  C. Ann shouldn’t have returned home.
  6. What does the girl suggest?
  A. Going to a park. B. Going for a swim. C. Helping work in the park.
  7. When and where are they going to meet?
  A. After two o’clock at the gate of the park.
  B. Exactly at two o’clock at the girl’s home.
  C. Before two o’clock at the boy’s home
  8. Why can’t the boy leave earlier?
  A. He has a lot of work to do. B. He has a test. C. He has to see Jim first.
  9.How does the woman most probably go to the Waterfront Park?
  A. Take the subway. B. Tas No. 34. C. Get the city tour.
  10. How much is the city tour?
  A. $15 per person for a one-hour tour. B. $10 per person for a one-hour tour.
  C. $15 per person for a half-an-hour tour.
  11. What’s the relationship between the speakers?
  A. Husband and wife. B. er and ist. C. Headmaster and teacher.
  12. What is the matter with the man’s daughter?
  A. She has a bad cough. B. She has a headache. C. She has a cold.
  13. What does the woman suggest last?
  A. Taking the medicine after meals. B. Going to see the doctor.
  C. Taking the prescription on empty stomach.
  14. What did they think of the party they had been to?
  A. They regretted having been to it. B. They felt it a success.
  C. They were tired of sitting there.
  15. Who seemed to be more tired?
  A. The husband. B. The wife C. Both the man and woman.
  16. What had made them so tired?
  A. The party. B. Working hard. C. The party, and lack of sleep, too.
  17. Where did the man go once he had got up?
  A. To the party. B. To the kitchen. C. To the restaurant.
  18. For how many reasons does the air temperature change?
  A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
  19. How is the air temperature going when air masses move to us from the north?
  A. Going up. B. Going down. aining steady.
  20. What can we learn from the talk?
  A. The air temperature changes depending on the sun’s energy.
  B. The clouds can keep the air from losing much of its heat.
  C. The air temperature can be greatly changed when there are many clouds.
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