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  • 资源大小: 145 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2009/9/21 9:58:07
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第I 卷
  1. What does the woman mean?
  A. She praises the boy. B. She likes more cakes.
  C. She will give another cake to the boy.
  2. What does the woman want the man to do?
  A. Buy her a ring. B. Ring her often. C. Call her back.
  3. How many students went to the Buckingham Palace?
  A. All the students. B. Ten students. C. About six.
  4. What do you think of the man?
  A. He is the happiest man. B. He is very rich.
  C. He is poor.
  5. What does the woman mean?
  A. She has to type two more pages. B. She finished her work long ago.
  C. They’ll finish their work at about the same time.
  6. What’s the man’s trouble?
  A. He wonders whether his wife’s word is a promise or a threat..
  B. He wonders when his wife will e back.
  C. He wonders whether his wife will love him.
  7. Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?
  A. The man had a quarrel with his wife.
  B. The man wants his mother-in-law to live with them.
  C. The woman suggests the man should live in his mother-in-law’s home.
  8. Where is the man living?
  A. At 17 Mallett Street. B. At 70 Mallett Street.
  C. At 17 Marett Street.
  9. Which house is on fire?
  A. Number16. B. Number 18. ber 20.
  10. Why is there nobody in the house on fire?
  A. They went shopping. B. They went to work.
  C. They went on holiday.
  11. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. American TV programmes. B. Ameriovies.
  erican newspapers.
  12. What does the woman feel about the people she met?
  A. They are not interesting. B. They are violent.
  C. They are kind.
  13. Why doesn’t the woman like American TV programme?
  A. Because it’s not interesting. B. Because it’s full of violence.
  C. Because it’s always about the West.
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