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  九年级英语第二次质量调研练习       2017.12.20
  第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共80分)
  第一部分 听对话回答问题(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)
  1. What are they talking about? 
  A.      B. C.
  2. When did the woman get up today? 
  A.      B.     C.
  3. What did the girl watch last night?
  A.        B.    C. 
  4. What’s the documentary about?
  A.                      B.                   C.
  5. What color T-shirt does the man advise the woman to try?
  A. The orange one.     B. The green one.    C. The violet one.
  6. How much is John's watch? 
  A. Fifty yuan.           B. Fifteen yuan.        C. Thirty five yuan
  7. Which subject does the boy dislike?
  A. Geography.     B. Music. C. Science.
  8. Where are the two speakers?  
  A. On a bus.                B. In a library.         C. In a shop.
  9. How many children are there on the playground?
  A. 4                       B. 7                 C. 10
  10. What does the murderer look like?
  A. He is tall.     B. He has long hair. C. He has short hair.
  第二部分  听对话和短文回答问题(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)
  听下面一段对话, 回答第11-12小题。
  11. Where does the woman want to go?
  A. A cafe.         B. A library.                C. A bank.
  12. How far is the bank?
  A. Half an hour’s ride.      B. Half an hour’s walk.    C. One hour’s ride.
  听一篇短文, 回答第13-15题。
  Peter’s trouble
  The sport he likes __13__
  The time he spends on it About __14__ every day
  People who ask him to study harder His __15__
  13. A. Basketball         B. Swimming   C. Running
  14. A. 1 hour         B. 1.5 hours   C. 2 hours
  15. A. father         B. teacher   C. mother
  听第二篇短文, 回答第16-20小题。
  16. ________ are good seasons for outdoor activities.
  A. Autumn and winter           B. Summer and autumn      C. Spring and autumn 
  17. It is important that you should take _______ in order to give simple medical treatment to someone in great need as soon as possible.
  A. a tent and sleeping bags        B. a first-aid box           C. food and drinks
  18. When hiking in a group, young people have a good chance to ______.
  A. enjoy the beautiful view        B. learn team spirit      C. know how to cure a snake bite
  19. If you see a snake nearby during the hiking, you should ______.
  A. run away as fast as possible     B. fight with it          C. wait quietly for it to go away
  20. You should _____ to stop the poison from spreading to other parts of the body if you or someone else is bitten.
  A. move the victim to a hospital       B. wash the wounded part     C. tie something round the bite
  21. When World War ii began, _____ development of TV stopped. There were _____ very small number of TV sets in the hands of the public.
  A. the; the B. the; a C. a; a D. a; the
  22. – Have you been to “the Golden Avenue”(黄金大道) in Jiangdu recently?
  – Yes, the scenes there are so amazing that they are _____ description.
  A. beyond B. over C. above D. under
  23. Suzy is so organized that she always keeps _____ in order.

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