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  • 更新时间: 2017/4/10 22:15:08
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  (一)听力部分  (共25分)
  1. What does John’s mother ask him to do?
  A. Play basketball. B. Do his homework. C. Go to sleep.
  2. How much will the man pay for these T-shirts?
  A. 9 yuan.             B. 36 yuan.            C. 18 yuan.
  3. Where are the man and the woman probably talking?
  A. At the cinema.       B. In the restaurant.     C. In a hospital.
  4. What time is it now?
  A. 8:10.         B. 5:15.      C. 8:40.
  5. What is Mary probably going to do?
  A. Shopping.           B. Biking.            C. Camping.
  6. Why is Kevin smiling so much today?
  A. Because his cat returned. B. Because he got a new cat. C. Because his cat had four babies.
  7. How did Kevin know the cat was his?
  A. Cherry told him.        B. Kevin knew the cat’s color. C. Kevin knew the cat’s sound.
  8. What did the man do with the house last month?
  A. The painted it. B. He bought it.        C. He repaired it.
  9. How long does the woman plan to stay in the house?
  A. About twelve months.   B. About eighteen months.     C. About twenty-four months.
  10. Who do you think the two speakers probably are?
  A. The director and the clerk. B. The boss and the worker. C. The customer and the owner.
  11. Where did the story happen?
  A. In a fruit shop.       B. In a book shop.         C. In a clothes shop.
  12. How many apples did the boy want to buy?
  A. For one dollar.       B. For four dollars.         C. For five dollars.
  13. How did the boy feel when he counted the apples?
  A. Relaxed.              B. Surprised.             C. Pleased.
  14. Why didn't the shop assistant let the boy leave?
  A. Because the boy didn't give him enough money.
  B. Because he wanted to give the boy more apples.    
  C. Because the boy's mother came to the shop.    
  15. What do you think of the boy from the story?
  A. He is kind.        B. He is silly.            C. He is clever.
  (二)笔试部分  (共95分)
  In fact, everyone has an angel(天使) protecting himself forever.
  If this    16    feels that your life is full of    17    and you always feel sad. She would     18    someone else beside you. Maybe it’s a friend of you, or your lover, or a net-friend you have never met, or a stranger you just met only once.
  These persons quietly    19    in your life, spend a happy time with you and then he/she could leave    20   . And thus your life is full of happy memories. Once remembering those happy stories he/she brought to you, you can still be    21   , even though the way to the future is covered with storm and snow.
  For those    22    have left you without any word,    23    they’re angels returning to the heaven(天堂). For example, your lost friends, the strangers who ever gave you help, those separated    24    used to love you, those artists who used to sing good songs to you, the good writers, and so on, they’re all    25    angels.

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