《Great scientists》ppt111(4份)

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优课人教版高中英语Boonit 1 Great scientists 教案+课件(19张)+检测+反思 (4份打包)
  书名 普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语(人民教育出版社)(5)
  高二 所教册次、
  单元 必修五 unit 1
  Great scientists
  Reading :John Snow Defeats “King Cholera
  本课时是必修5中Unit 1 第二课时(第一课时为Warming-up),为Reading部分。为培养和训练学生自主阅读的能力和技巧,结合说和写的能力,把整个学习过程分为三大部分。第一部分为Before-reading,主要培养学生根据主题进行预测的能力。第二部分为While-reading,为本课时的重点部分,以问题及提示,结合学习小组里的讨论,引导学生进行自主阅读。第三部分为After-reading,主要是给学生自由讨论和发言的机会,展示和巩固所学知识。
  本单元的中心话题是“Great Scientists”,介绍了一些伟大科学家如何以探索、钻研、无畏的科研精神验证未知的科学真理,使学生通过阅读科学家的故事,了解历史、学到知识、获得智慧、受到鼓舞。
  Reading部分介绍英国著名医生John Snow如何通过考察、分析、探究的科学方法,发现并控制了“霍乱”这种传染病。通过阅读课文,使学生感悟科学家的周密观察、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神,学习并掌握有关的历史知识及语言知识,并了解公共卫生保健常识。
  知识目标: 1. To learn about the stages in a scientific experiment.
  2. To learn about cholera.
  3. To learn the language through reading.
  4. To know about public heath medicine.
  能力目标:1. To train reading skills through self-access reading..
  2. To help the students express their ideas freely.
  3. To apply what they have learnt to practice.
  情感目标:1. To learn about how to do a scientific experiment.
  2. To learn how to co-operate in learning and how ot express their ideas.
  1. How to guide the students to learn the text in their self-access reading.
  2. Learn and use the language through reading. 
  1. How to make the students more active in class.
  2. How to help the students to apply what they have learnt to practice.
  3. How to help the students make their self-evaluation after leraning.
  步骤1:Greetings and learning goals (1min)
  Students are expected to
  1. acquire sub-skills of reading ---- predicting, skimming, scanning, generalization etc through self-access reading.
  2.learn to work together with their classmates and share information and ideas.
  3.  learn to assess on what the students have learnt and adjust their learning strategies.
  步骤2: Lead-in (5min)
  通过图片,根据SARS, AIDS 和 bird flu进行briainstorming,激活学生已有的知识和经验,思考该单元的中心话题并进行讨论和发言。充分尊重学生的自主性,调动学生的主观能动性,促进他们参与教学活动,同时引导学生了解疾病常识及日常预防保健知识。
  1) pictures reminding students of SARS in 2003, AIDS and bird flu.
  2) Brainstorming activity: What do you know about infectious diseases?     How do we prevent them from breat?
  步骤3:Pre-reading (4min)
  1. Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research?
  2. Discuss in small groups and put the following stages in a logical order.
  draw a conclusion         think of a method       collect results       
  map a question        find a problem          analyse the results
  find supporting evidence    repeat it if necessary
  3. Do you think there should be some more stages in proving a scientific idea?
  步骤4:Self-access Reading (20min)
  这一步骤为整节课的中心,教师引导并监控学生进行自主阅读。正如Brooks(1988)指出的那样:每个人阅读时都会对文本做出预测,关注的是经过自己理解的事件,并非只为获得意义而阅读。因此,为了帮助学生更快更好地进行自主阅读,教师设计了一个“self-aceess reading worksheet”。这个表格引导学生对材料进行预测和总结,并要求他们学习材料中的语言知识,获取新的词汇和表达。然后发表自己的观点和感想。但是,在他们明确了如何自主阅读之后,也鼓励他们设计自己的自主阅读工作表,以保证学生有选择和设计自己个人学习方式的自由。在整个阅读过程中,教师的角色转变为学生学习过程的调解员、中间人和促进者。他主要在学生阅读时提供帮助,在学生的自评和互评中适当提供意见和建议、提醒学生适时合作,寻求各种形式的帮助(如如何查阅字典和参考书等),鼓励他们继续往前走,学生自己才是整个过程中的主人.
  Before reading 部分是为了培养学生根据标题进行预测的能力,同时鼓励他们多方位思考。
  While reading部分是引导学生自主阅读,根据问题和提示培养整体阅读的能力、概括的能力、分析获取语言知识的能力等。
  After reading部分是让学生在阅读之后,通过小组讨论,提出自己的意见和看法,同时也是为了检测和巩固他们所学的知识。
  A Self-Assess Reading Worksheet
  Before reading
  What came to your mind when you first saw the title?
  While reading
  1. How did John Snow prove his idea? _______________________________________________________
  2. A brief summary of the passage (with not more than 40-50 words) _____________________________________________________________________________________
  3. New words, new phrases, and new structures I learn from the passage:____________________________
  After reading
  My comments on what I have read (discuss in groups): _________________________________________
  步骤5:Presentation (10min)
  1. Please find the new (or difficult) sentence structures and phrases in the text.
  2. Search the Internet (or ask for help from your parents, friends) for more information about how to prevent diseases in our daily life and write them down..
  1. 通过本课的学习,我们师生都对伟大科学家有了深刻的认识。
  2. 在教学的落实过程中,也遇到了少数学生有错误的思想,他们认为读书无用,高科技无用。
  3. 以前我们教学时重在讲解文中的知识点,总以为学生肯定知道不学习的坏处,现在我教学改为以学生为主体,让他们自己各抒己见,然后再加以引导。
  Boonit1 评测练习
  1. The bell rang, a_______________ the end of the class.
  2. The hurricane lasted a weesing millions of d_____________.
  3. The new railway station under c______________ will be completed by the end of the year.
  4. It is Mary rather you who is to b_________________ for the accident.
  5. Mary is advised to have her eyes e_______________ without delay.
  6. A________ _____ the conference is a great honor to him.
  7. It took the firemen ten hours to bring the fire under c________ _____.
  8. You must be very careful to h________   ____ such a complex case.
  9. Simon Lee was a famous footballer but his career came to an end when he developed a s____________ disease.
  10. Tom is so c_______   _ ____ a driver as never causes accidents.
  1. The boy should have been punished for using an __       _____ name.
  2.  Eating too much sugar can___           _____ health problem.
  3. The applicant was rather upset for being _____              _by the firm.
  4. ______         __ being too big, the color of the skirt doesn’t suit me either.
  5. The suggestion ____            __at the meeting is under discussion.
  6. The boy is always ______              ___excuses for being late.
  7. The man left the office angrily, ______              __ never to return.
  8. A storm is likely to ____          ____ our city tomorrow.
  9. A group of soldiers were ______                 ___to keep order at the station.
  10. As we get old, we can easily get ________             _______.
  2、 语法 (用过去分词作表语和定语补充完整下列句子)
  A) 完成句子翻译。
  1. 那位退休工人建议我多喝开水。
  The ________     _worker advised me to drink more ________ _    __water.
  2. 他脸上失望的表情表明计划下个月的旅行已被取消。
  The _______ _ ____look on his face suggested the trip ________ __for next month has been called off.
  3. 令母亲担心的是,我昨天在足球比赛中摔伤了右腿。
  To my mother’s great worry, I ____ __  _____ ___ _in the right leg in the match yesterday.
  4. 在这个工厂,工人是按计件拿工资的。
  In the factory, the workers get ______   __  ___   ____the piece.
  5. 他父亲写的科学书籍很畅销
  The science book ______    __  ___   ____his father sells well.
  6. 如果伤口继续暴露在外面,它就会感染的。
  If the wound remained ________ ___, it will get ________ ___.
  7. 输了比赛的那个男孩在埋头看书。
  The boy ________ ___ in the match was ________ ___ in reading books.
  8. 接受医生检查的那个女孩患了重病。
  The girl ________ _ ________ __the doctor suffered from a bad illness.
  9. 我们学校东边的那条被污染的河整天发出难闻的气味。
  The ________ ___ river ________ _to the east of our school smells terrible all day.  
  10. 当他听说了偶然中发现的这种物质时,这位教授感到异常激动。
  ______    about the substance ________ __by accident, the professor felt most________ . 
  B) 根据括号内单词的正确形式填空
  1. Will you attend the meeting _____    __ (give) by Steven.
  2. ___________ (absorb) herself in the enquiry, she, finally, found out some supporting statistics.
  3. _____________ (announce) with certainty that the polluted water was to blame, he then instructed the company not to expose people to polluted water.
  4. With a large amount of clothes _____       _ (wash), I should go to the laundry right now.
  5. John snow, ___   ______ (dress) in blacit, is an expert physician of Queen Victoria.
  6. Mrs. White showed her students some old maps _________ __ (b

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