《Scientific Breakthroughs》ppt3(3份打包)

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\北师大版英语模块七 Unit20 lessson3 Scientific Breaghs课件+教案+学案 (3份打包)
Unit20 lesson3教案.doc
Unit20-lessson3 Scientific Breaghs.ppt
  Module7 Unit20 Lesson3 Scientific Breaghs
  (Reading period1)
  北大附中  徐雪梅
  步骤 活动 活动过程 设计意图
  Warm up 1. Do you know the major discoveries of the scientists in the pictures? 展示图片
  2. Let’s have a quiz about science and scientist.
  小组竞争 引起阅读的悬念,激发学习动机
  Fast  reading
  Reading strategy 1:
  Get the general idea and read the text fast.
  (1) The purpose of this article is _______. (multiple choice)
  (2) Summary in one sentence.
  (3) Quick match. (books closed) 个人活动 (自己默读)
  (4)全班活动,集体校对 通读全文对文章大致有所了解,对课文中的主要人物和事件有大概印象
  Careful reading
  Reading strategy 2:
  Get specific information
  (4) Fill in the table(according to time)
  能继续运用各种阅读微技能进行有效的阅读, 同时能在阅读中培养猜测单词词义的能力,学会排除无关信息。同时掌握文中出现的重要单词与短语的使用。
  Reading strategy 3:
  To decide if there is no information, mare that the answer (true/false) cannot be inferred from the text. Also you base your decision only on the information in the text.
  (5)True, False or No information
  Reading strategy 4:
  identify important words
  (6) cloze test
  (7) Find words in the text with the following meanings
  After reading (8) Retell the text 根据提示,俩人练习;班级展示
  (9) Interview. Imagine that you are a reporter who wants to interview a great scientist about his or her inventions/discoveries and future plan. Map a dialogue and act it out.
  Homework Writing Tasr Favorite Scientist 将讨论的内容落实到笔头
  Unit 20 New Frontiers
  Learning plan for Lesson 3 Scientific Breaghs---Reading
  1. Lead-in
  1. Discuss the questions:
  Write down the relevant key words.______________________________________________.
  2. Quiz about science and scientists
  Write down your puzzled item.__________________________________________________.
  2.   Fast reading: get the main idea
  1.The purpose of this article is _______.
  A. the introduction of Albert Einstein
  B. the introduction of the process of scientific breagh
  C. introduction of the major scientific discoveries in the 20th century
  D. the contributions scientists made to the world
  Write down the key words or sentences that you think are important.
  3.  Careful reading: get specific information
  (1) Fill in the table
  Time Name Discovery How to discover Influence
  1905 Change understanding of universe
  First World War
  1929 by accident
  Not mentioned
  _____with 120 patents
  (2) Fill in the blanks
  • 1. One of the 20th century’s p_____ scientists was Einstein who was i____ to d____ E=mc2 which showed how an u_____ amount of energy was produced.
  • 2. Scientists f____   ___ how to split the atom and changed the way we c______ from writing letters to emailing.
  • 3. The o____ of penicillin is a_____, which helped to c____ people.
  • 4. It is a real d_____ on your hands to choose the most important discovery of the 20th century. Scientific b_____ improve the quality of human life on earth.
  Can you find some words in the text that express the same ideas? For example, discover and figure out.
  (4) Find words in the text with the following meanings:
  • 1. to give something e.g. money, to a person or an organization in order to help them
  • 2. a part of the body, such as heart or lungs
  • 3. to divide something into separate parts
  • 4. compare two things that are happening at the same time
  • 5. expressing your opinions honestly
  • 6. one of the large groups of stars that map the universe
  • 7. to make someone who is ill well again
  • 8.a type of oven that cooks food very quickly
  Write down the difference between False and IN.________________________.
  4.  After reading
  (1) Retell the text
  Key words:
  Nouns Verbs Adjs
  E=mc2,theory of relativity telescope, galaxy, Penicillin, bacteria, machine, missile, energy, microwave Inspire, explore, discover, notice, realize, destroy, save, cure, measure, dedicate, affect, breagh world-famous, outsponbelievable, far-reaching, mass-produced, first, huge, grateful

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