《Body Language》ppt91(4份打包)

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北京市西城区普通中学2016年4月高二英语 北师大版选修七 Unit 19 Languages Lesson 3 Body Language 公开课 教案.doc 36.50 KB
北京市西城区普通中学2016年4月高二英语 北师大版选修七 Unit 19 Languages Lesson 3 Body Language 公开课 课件(21张).ppt 4.09 MB
北京市西城区普通中学2016年4月高二英语 北师大版选修七 Unit 19 Languages Lesson 3 Body Language 公开课 学案.doc 48.00 KB
有关视频.wmv 28.86 MB
  Lesson 3 Body Language,Unit 19,Module 7
  Teaching Aims:
  By the end of the class, students will be able to:
  1. know the meanings of some body language, for example: “being calm”, “ok”, “yes”, etc.
  2. talt body language in English.
  3. give suggestions on how to use body language wisely in Beijing.
  Teaching procedures
  Steps Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Purposes
  Step I Asdents to watch teacher's activities and a video. Watch and answer questions. Lead in the topic.
  Step II Asdents to find out the function of body language in the video. Watch the video and answer some questions.
  Step III Asdents to find out the definition of body language and explain it. Read the passage. Read and act some body language Arise students’ interest in learning body language.
  Step IV
  Asdents to read through the passage and to match the paragraphs with the given pictures. Read the passage and match the pictures with paragraphs. Let students get the main ideas and understand the  three simple paragraphs.
  Step V Asdents to read Paragraph 3 and 4, and then fill in the blanks. Read and finish the task. Let students get a better understanding of these two complex paragraphs.
  Step VI Asdents to watch a video and answer some questions. Get the main idea of the video and look for the related paragraph in the passage Let students know body language is useful but not always universal.
  Step VII Group work:
  Supposing an American student David will come to your school in a cultural exchange program, your friend and you want to give him some suggestions on how to use body language wisely in the homestay family in Beijing Group work Review what students have learned according to the passage.
  Step VIII Homework: Write down your suggestions on your exercise-book.
  Lesson 3 Body Language
  Part I: Please answer the question.
  Whatis body language?
  Part II: Fill in the blanks according to the text?
  Body language Meaning
  Pat on the back with smile
  Raise your eyebrow
  Move shoulders upwards and let them fall
  Uncross your arms
  Shar head
  Part III: Fill in the blanks:
  Occasions/Activity Western cultures Oriental cultures
  First meet Hug
  Say good-bye Good-bye kiss
  stamp one’s feet Impatient
  stroke kid’s head Show one’s love
  hand in hand homosexuality
  ask  someone to come Use finger Use
  Part IV: Discussion
  Supposing an American student David will come to our school for a cultural exchange program. Your friend and you want to give himsome suggestions on how to use body language wisely in the homestay family in Beijing.
  A: What body language can I use if I want to ……?
  B: You can……
  you’d better ……
  you should avoid…

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