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  • 资源类别: 北师大版 / 高中课件 / 必修二课件
  • 文件类型: ppt, docx
  • 资源大小: 3.46 MB
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  • 更新时间: 2016/8/18 10:17:51
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 资源提供: zzzysc [资源集]
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  1.   教学目标
  Objectives At the end of this period, the students will be able to
  1. To practice using the vocabulary of all kinds of facilities and rooms in the house.
  2. To get the sensibility changes the writer want to express to the readers by making comparisons between the old house and the present house and the context the writer presented.
  3. To use the vocabulary of facilities and rooms to describe the students’ own house. And find one part of their own house to improve(to design their own house.)
  2.   教学重点/难点
  Teaching point:How to find the writer’s sensibilities change according to making comparisons between the old house and the present house.
  Difficult point:How to describe the students’ house.
  3.   教学用具
  4.   标签
  Step 1 Lead in
  Show the Ss picture about houses. Let them do a brainstorm of house.
  Step 2Pre-reading
  1. List the words in two groups.
  according to the groups of rooms and facilities.
  2. Show the Ss the bacnd knowledge of the novel “the house on Mango Street”, and let the Ss answer questions related to the topic. 
   Step 3Reading
  1.Give the Ss para1to read. 
    Provide the Ss a chart.
    Ask the Ss one question: If you live in it,                   what kind of feeling you will get?
  2.Give the Ss para2 to read.
    Provide the Ss a chart.
    Ask the Ss one question: Is the girl satisfied  with this house on Mango Street?
  3.Give the Ss para3 to read.
    Provide the Ss a chart.
    Ask the Ss one question: what’s the location of this house?
  Step 4While-reading 
  1. Ask the Ss to open their textbooks. To go through the text and find the main ideas of each para.
  2. To analyses the main ideas of para1&2. In order the find the girl’s true feeling about the house on Mango Street.
  Step5Summary for the reading
  Mention the words related to the houses. Tell them what real satisfaction is. And what is happiness. Link to the house in reality.
  Step 5Post-reading 
  Describe your own house.
  1.Rooms and facilities.  
  3.find one part to improve.
  Step 6Summary 
  Say the knowledge the Ss have learnt. And introduce the book of the house on Mango Street to the Ss. Encourage them to read this book.
   Try to find the book of the house on Mango Street to read.

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