《What is happiness to you》ppt41(4份打包)

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江苏省江阴市峭岐中学高中英语(牛津译林版)选修六课件+教案 Unit 2 What is happiness to you
江苏省江阴市峭岐中学高中英语(牛津译林版)选修六教案 Unit 2 What is happiness to you(词组讲义).doc
江苏省江阴市峭岐中学高中英语(牛津译林版)选修六教案 Unit 2 What is happiness to you(重点单词) .doc
江苏省江阴市峭岐中学高中英语(牛津译林版)选修六课件 Unit 2 What is happiness to you Project .ppt
江苏省江阴市峭岐中学高中英语(牛津译林版)选修六课件 Unit 2 What is happiness to you Reading .ppt
  M6U2 What is happiness to you?
  1. the search for happiness寻找快乐 in search of =in one’s /the search for sth寻找
  2. be surrounded by/with sb/sth被…包围/环绕着
  The school, surrounded by many trees, is a four-star school.
  (adj.) surrounding周围的,附近的; (n.) surroundings(周围的)环境[事物];环境,周围的事物
  3. achieve/attain success in sth 在某方面获得成功
  4. meet/reach a goal达成目标; meet/satisfy one’s needs满足某人的需求 make both ends meet使收支平衡
  5. struggle with a physical disability 与身体残疾作斗争struggle to do sth/for sth为(做)某事而奋斗、努力
  struggle with/against …和…进行斗争struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来
  It is a struggle for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是件难事。
  6. a day without suffering远离痛苦的一天 suffer sth遭受,经受(疼痛);感到(痛苦):
  suffer a heavy loss 遭受惨重损失 suffer from sth(因疾病或处于其他不利境地而)受苦,受难,受折磨
  7. during times of a personal catastrophe 在遭遇个人灾难时  in ancient/modern times在古代/现代
  8. expect her to be sad以为她会伤心   expect there to be 期望有……
  You’re expecting too much of me!你对我期望太高了!live up to one’s expectations不辜负某人的期望
  9. remain cheerful依然开朗; remain seated仍然坐着; remain crying仍然在哭remain stuck in the airport 仍然滞留在机场 with much work remaining to be done 有许多工作有待要做
  It remains to be seen whether… 是否…仍有待要看/尚不确定。remaining adj. 剩下的  the ~ money
  10. in case假使,以防(万一)Tambrella in case it rains/it should rain.带把伞以防万一天下雨。
  In case (=If) I forget, please remind me.万一我忘记,请提醒我。
  in case of fire/rain/emergency万一发生火灾/下雨/有紧急情况  just in case 以防万一(作状语)
  11. describe her as energetic说她精力充沛  sb be described as…某人被描述为……
  12. live apart from her parents和她的父母分开住apart from除了=aside from (besides/in addition to不止; except for除去)   My birthday is 3 days apart.离我的生日还有三天。
  13. devote herself to gymnastics / be devoted to gymnastics全身心地投入体操运动
  14. work towards something special朝着特殊的目标奋斗
  15. cost her her future happiness 使她付出未来幸福的代价  cost sb sth 使……付出……的代价 
  cost her the ability to walk 使她丧失行走能力; at the cost of…以牺牲……为代价
  cover the cost /expense  支付费用   at all costs 不惜一切代价   at any cost在任何情况下;无论如何
  16. could have done sth “可能、或许……”表示对过去发生的事的推测
  You could have been more careful in the quiz. You made too many mistakes.
  —Happy birthday !   —Than ! It's the best present I could have wished for. (2012年江苏卷)
  —I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.
  —How unbelievable to get it back! I mean someone ____________it. (2011年江苏卷)
  A. will have stolen   B. might have stolen  C. should have stolen   D. must have stolen
  17. be rushed to a top hospital 被急送往一家顶级医院  be rushed off one’s feet忙得不可开交
  18. in good/high spirits情绪高涨in poor/low spirits情绪低p one’s spirits 打起精神, 保持心情愉快
  19. the secret to happiness快乐的秘密   the secret/key to doing sth 做…的秘诀/关键
  20. have appreciation for /of the good things in life感激生活中美好的事物 in appreciation of以感激……
  I would appreciate it if you could do/did me a favor. 如果你能帮我个忙我将不胜感激。
  She shows little or no appreciation of good music. 她对好音乐鲜有或没有欣赏的能力。
  21. overcome her sorrow克服伤心  have a lot of difficulties to overcome有许多困难要克服
  22. be proud of the things she had accomplished 对自己业已取得的成就感到自豪
  23. adapt to her new life适应新的生活    adapt (oneself) to (doing) sth(使…)适应 ……
  a film adapted from a novel一部由小说改编的电影  a novel adapted for a film 一个改编成电影的小说
  24. graduate from Peniversity with a degree in broadcasting 毕业于北大,获广播专业学位
  25. advocate better treatment for disabled people提倡给予残疾人更好地治疗 advocate doing sth 提倡做某事
  26. she likes to be optimistic她喜欢乐观   be optimistic about对……乐观
  27. be inspired by San Lan 受到桑兰的鼓舞 
  inspire sb to do sth激发某人做某事 inspire sb to greater efforts 激励某人付出更大的努力
  28. rebuild her life重建生活
  29. take place发生  take the place of代替
  30. take note/notice of… 注意/留意;pay attention to … (忽视 ignore)
  31. be grateful to sb for sth=be thankful to sb for sth因…对某人感激
  32. go after pleasure/happiness追求快乐/幸福
  33. touch the depths of our soul触及心灵深处  ( heart and soul 全心全意地= wholeheartedly)
  in the ~(s) of sth在最深处; 在最严峻的时刻:
  in the depth of winter 在隆冬  in the depths of despair 在绝望的深渊
  Important sentences in Reading
  34. To those who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability, happiness can simply mean a day without suffering, or just being alive.对于那些受伤的人或者身体残疾的人来说,幸福可能仅仅意味着过一天没有痛苦的日子,或者仅仅是活着而已。
  35. While she was injured and in hospital, she amazed the world by the way she remained cheerful.
  36. By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a junior gymnast for eleven years. 直到角逐纽约友好运动会的体操锦标赛时,桑兰已经从事体操11年了。
  37. Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents, she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics. 尽管参加训练意味着她不能和父母住一起,
  Module 6 Unit 2   Words & Expressions
  1.surround (vt.) 围绕,环绕 surrounding (adj.) 周围的 surroundings (n.) 环境  be surrounded by /with
  _________ by the mountains, the village looks more beautiful.  //  ________ the village, the mountains look mysterious.  // When he came to life in the hospital, he found himself ___________ by a lot of people.
  2. suffering ( n.) ①(身体,精神上的)痛苦,苦恼[U] cause great hardship and suffering ② sufferings (pl.) ease the sufferings of the dying 减轻临终者的痛苦  suffer   vi.患…病, 因…受罪~from heart diseases/ a headache/ noise pollution  vt.遭受,经历(痛苦、损害) ~ loss/severe damage
  3. junior (adj.) ①年纪较轻的He is junior to me by two years. 他比我年轻两岁。②资历较浅的;地位较低的;晚辈的 (n.) Of the two clerks, he is the junior.
  词汇拓展senior高级的 / superior较好的/ inferior劣等的,低劣的
  4.apart  (adv.)①相距,相隔;②分开,分离;tell/know A and B apart= tell A _____ B;  take/tear/break sth apart_______ apart from ①除……以外(=besides / in addition to或 except / except for)eg:Apart from English, Tom knows two other European languages. //  I have nothing apart from the clothes I am wearing. //  Apart from a few faults, she is a trustworthy teacher. ②和…不在一起 She lives apart/_______ from her parents.
  5. severe  (adj.) 严酷的;严重的;严厉的;激烈的 a ~storm/winter__________;  suffer from a ~ shortage of water_______;  receive ~ punishment_______;  be faced with a severe competition_________ 
  be severe with/on sb  (= be tough/strict ____ sb =be hard___ sb.)  severely  be severely/seriously ill/wounded
  6. in high/good spirits心情好,情绪高涨  lift/ raise one’s spirits振作精神   in low/ poor spirits情绪低落
  p one’s spirits提起精神  spiritual (adj.) 精神上的,心灵的
  7. accomplish(v.)完成,实现(近义词:achieve,finish, complete); We are sure to accomplish the goal of 4A.
  accomplishment (n.) 成就,成绩accomplished (adj.) 熟练的,有才艺的 an accomplished artist 
  8.adapt (vt.&vi.) ①(使…)适应 adapt (oneself) to (doing) sth.  She adapted (herself) quickly to the new climate. ②改写, 改编 The novel was adapted for the film. = The film is adapted ______ the novel.
  adaptable (adj.) 能适应的,可改编的 adaptation ( n.) 适应性 【adopt 收养;采纳 adjust 适应;调整】
  1. The new tax would force companies to ________ energy-saving measures.
  2. The world will be different from what it is now, and we will have to be prepared to _______ the change.
  3. Watch out for sharp bends and_________ your speed accordingly.
  9. advocate (vt.) 拥护;提倡;主张[+v-ing] / n.~ protecting the environment [C]提倡者;拥护者~s of/for free trade.
  10. admire (v.) admire sth./ admire sb for sth.  I admire his sincerity. = I admire him for his sincerity.
  thank/praise /punish/blame/forgive sb for sth.   
  admirable  (adj.)令人钦佩的,值得赞美的  admiration (n.) 赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕(for) have great admiration for his courage    look at the picture in/ with admiration     be full of admiration for
  11.unbearable (adj.) 令人不能容忍的find his rudeness ~   bear (vt.) 忍受,容忍 (=stand, tolerate, live with, put up with, come to terms with)bear (sb) doing/to do sth  He can’t bear (his wife) being laughed at.
  12. go after追求;谋求    We’re both going after the same job. 我们俩都在谋求同一份工作。
  go against 反对,违背;不利于/ go ahead 向前,干吧,说吧,用吧/ go around到处去,传开/ go up上涨 go down下降/ go for 适用;努力争取 / go in for 酷爱;参加/ go on with 继续/ go over 走过去;温习 / go through仔细查看, 浏览;翻阅,通过/ go wrong出毛病;失败 / go out出去;熄灭/ go off 离开;(爆炸,铃声)响起
  13. accompany sb. to sp=keep/bear sb. company= keep company with sb  陪伴(某人)accompany sb st/on sth 用...给某人伴奏companion (cn.)伴侣a life companion  company (un.) 陪伴enjoy/appreciate one’s company  A man is known by the company he keeps.译: __________________   in company (with…) 与…一起They went shopping in company. in the company of sb
  14.obey 及物动词 (vt. &vi.) 服从;听从;遵守~ (=observe)the manager's instructions (反义词:disobey)
  15. allocate 1. 分配,分派You must allocate the money carefully.  //  Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first. 票数有限,先申请者先得。2. 拨出;把…拨给 The space has been allocated for a new hospital. 那块地已经被划拨出来建新医院。  allocation (n.)
  16.quit (v. )放弃,停止 quit (doing) sth.  quit /drop out of school退学quit/take office 辞职/就职quit smoking 戒烟  quit a job 辞职 be quit/rid of 摆脱, 免除He was glad to be quit of the troublesome job.
  17. point 的相关短语 at that point 在那个时候  to the point 中肯,切题  miss/off/beside/away from the point 离题,跑题      be on /at the point of doing sth… when…  =  be about to do sth… when… 正要…做… 
  There’s no point/sense (in) doing sth 做某事没有意义  It is no use/ good doing sth       point to/at/out
  1. We are trying to reach a point ________ both sides will sit down together and talk.   
  2. ---Do you have anything to say for yourself? ---Yes, there’s one point _____ we must insist on .
  18. rush  (n.) ①猛冲mash/das

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