《Astronomy: the science of the stars》ppt55(3份打包)

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Astronomy the science of the stars
课件设计_高中英语_book3unit4 language points.ppt
  主题名称 Book3unit4词汇运用
  选题意图 Master the language points of this unit and use them freely.
  内容来源 人教版教材 高中英语
  适用对象 高一学生新授
  教学目标 1. Grasp the 3 words, 8 phrases and 3 sentence patterns; describe the usage of them
  2. Learn to construct knowledge trees through self-study and relating what you have learnt.
  3. Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself in English and participate in class with a strong passion.
  预计时间 45分钟
  教学过程 设计意图
  Step1 words and phrases强化记忆本单元【单词】和【短语】
  Task 1  Test yourself
  1.____________n.天文学__________天文学家 2. ____________ n.大气层;气氛
  3.____________n.系统;体系;制度           4. _____________ adj.猛烈的;激烈的
  5.___________ n固体 adj固体的;坚固的    6. _____________ vt.&vi.(使)爆炸;爆发
  8.___________vt.&vi.伸展;传播          8. ___________(at)n.出席;到场;存在          9.___________n.地心引力;重力            10.________vt.使失望_________adj.失望的
  11. ___________vt.出版;发行;公开;发表   12.__________ vt&vi(使)漂浮 n漂浮物
  1.___________   及时;总有一天;终于        2. ___________   冷却,冷静       
  3.___________   依靠;依赖;取决于          4. ___________  既然              
  5.___________   开始存在;产生             6. on one’s surface  ___________   
  7.prevent.. from(doing)___________      8. escape from ___________        
  9.___________   感到高兴;感到兴奋        10. __________   突然发生         
  11. ___________   对某人有害             12. give birth to   ____ 5分钟考察单词记忆情况;
  Step 2 Step2 Language Points(自主探究--共同学习--小组讨论--重点点拨--强化训练--巩固提高—当堂检测--拓展延伸—回扣整理)
  1. exist vi. 存在;生存   existence n.
  1) They can’t exist on the money he is earning.
  2) When did this world come into existence?
  3) There exists one central problem with all of these diets.
  ① exist on赖以…生存     ② come into existence 开始存在/成立
  ③ 那里存在...__ There exists / exist / existed_...........___________  
  【知识运用】 ________ a certain doubt among the workers as to the necessity of the work.  
  A.It existed   B.There existed      C.There had     D.It had
  2. puzzle  n. 迷,难题  v. (使) 迷惑;(使)为难
  puzzled adj.困惑的  迷惑的;puzzling adj.令人困惑的
  【知识运用】1.His behavior yesterday _____________ me
  2.He answered the__________ question with a_________ look.
  ★规律点拨:修饰expression, look, voice,smile这些表示声音或表情的词用-ed的形容词
  3. harmful adj. 有害的,伤害的←→harmless adj.无害的,无恶意的 harm n./vt. 伤害,损害
  Excessive drinking is harmful to/ does harm to/ harms the health 饮酒过多会伤害身体.
  ① be harmful to sb/sth  对某人/某物有害
  ② do harm to sb/sth =harm sb/sth 对某人/某物造成伤害
  【知识运用】 一句多译:吸烟有害健康。
  =_________________________________   ____________   _____                 
  =____________________________________________  __________                 
  1. in time  及时;终于;总有一天
  1) You are lucky to be in time for our party.  _____     ____         
  2) Keep on and you will succeed in time .   ___     _             
  【拓展】time 的词组
  ahead of time 提前,提早              at the same time  同时,然而,可是
  at no time  绝不,在任何时候都不      in no time  立刻,马上
  at a time  一次                       at one time 曾经,一度
  【知识运用】---Thank God you’re safe!  
  ---I step bacst _____ to avoid the racing car.
  A. in time      B. in case     C. in need      D. in vain
  2. in one’s turn: 轮到某人;接着
  in turn 依次;反过来        by turns 轮流地        tarns to do… 轮流干某事
  turn down __________       turn in  __________   It’s one’s turn to do… 轮到某人干…
  turn up  ___________________   turn out (to be) ________________________
  turn on _________         __    turn off     _______________         _
  3. prevent …from…阻止….干…
  联系:1) keep sb. from doing sth  阻止某人做某事,(from不能省略)
  2) stop sb.(from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事
  温馨提示:在被动语态中,三个短语中的from 都不能省略
  【改错】 ① The rain prevented us on coming in time.
  ② We were prevented by the heavy rain getting there in time.
  ③ His injury kept him playing in the game yesterday.
  4.depend on/upon  取决于;依赖、信赖    =rely on
  1) You can’t depend on them to do it. 你不能指望他们做这事。
  2) You may depend on it that they will be there in time. 你不用怀疑,他们会及时到达那里。
  3) I may help you, but that/ it (all) depends. 我也许会帮助你,但得视情况而定。
  ① depend on sb to do sth 依靠/指望某人去干某事     
  ② depend on it that….depend on 后不能直接加宾语从句,需用it作形式宾语 “相信,指望”…
  ③ It (all) depends(on….) . =That (all)depends (on……) 视情况而定
  5. breat (战争,火灾,疾病等)突然爆发,发生   不及物动词词组
  1) H1N1 virus brot first in Mexico.
  2) They were still sleeping when the fire brot, and then it spread quickly.
  归纳break短语: (填副词或介词)
  ①break _________   (计划/谈判)失败;(车辆)出故障 ②break_________ 结束
  ③break away ______ 脱离,摆脱                  ④break _________ 突围,突破
  ⑤break ______ /_____破门而入                        
  6. watch out (for)密切注视,当心,提防
  eg: You’ll be cheated if you don’t watch out.
  Watch out! There is a car coming.
  联系:①watch over 监视;监管;   ② loot (for)
  1. What it was to become was uncertain…           be to (do)的用法: 
  1) 表示命令,义务,职责等        
  The boo borrowed are to be returned before July 5.
  2) 表示按照计划或安排将要做的事  
  I am to leave for Shanghai.       
  3) 用于与将来事实相反的虚拟语气  
  If it were to rain tomorrow, we would stay at home.
  As a young man he didn’t know that he was to become famous later on.
  【知识运用】1.This film  _____  this Sunday.
  A. is going to show   B. is showing   C. is to be shown   D. will have been shown
  2. when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发现我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒。
  1) But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. 
  2) The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River.
  3) The newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one.
  ① 倍数+形容词的比较级+ than...          ②倍数+ as +形容词或副词+ as...
  ③ 倍数+ the size (length, height...) of...                                   
  【知识运用】Peter’s jacket loost the same as Jact it cost _____ his .
  A. as much twice as     B. twice as much as   C. much as twice as    D. as twice much as
  【句式仿写】 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。(Asia ,
  3. 主语+谓语+it (形式宾语)+形容词+从句或不定式(谓语常为find, feel ,make,)
  课本原句:This produced a chain reaction , which made it possible for life to develop.
  仿写: 无论他在哪儿,他都把早餐之前去散步当成一个规则。
  Step3      【当堂检测运用】   10
  I. 完成句子
  1.Now it is __________________________ the room .(现在轮到我们打扫房间)
  2.His father ____________________________work in another city .(阻止他去另一个城市工作)
  3.The student ___________________________________(puzzled)(对下一步做什么感到困惑)
  4. ____________________________(小心车辆) while crossing the road. (watch out for)
  5._______________________(既然大家都同意我的计划), let’s start for Shanghai next weekend.
  II. 短文改错
  1. The presence of water makes that possible for life to develop on the earth.
  2. No one exact knows how the earth began.
  3. The earth became too violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.
  4. After that, some huge animals, calling dinosaurs, developed.
  5.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat escape from the earth.
  III. 运用用下面所给的词,补充完整下面短文,并背诵。
  make   watch  wonder   be  cool    multiply    begin    exist   explode 
  Where do we come from? How did the universe __1_____ ? When we ___2____ the stars through the telescope, we ___3______ why the universe ____4__ . After the “Big Bang” ,the earth ___5___ just a cloud of energetic dust. Somehow it ___6____ loudly with fire and rock, which __7____ the earth’s atmosphere. As the earth ___8___ down water ___9____ to appear on its surface, which was important for the beginning of life. Then living things ___10____ on the earth.
  1. 小组内先一对一, 然后组内合作讨论. 动口动脑动笔。
  2. 组长调控好,确保每层的学生都能最大限度解决问 题,以备展示和质疑,保证高效完成。
  3.  展示同学做好拓展准备。
  2.非展示同学: 拿好红笔, 随时记录并及时质疑
  I【知识运用】 一句多译:吸烟有害健康。
  =_________________________________   ____________   _____                 
  =____________________________________________  __________                 
  II【知识运用】Peter’s jacket loost the same as Jact it cost _____ his .
  A. as much twice as     B. twice as much as   C. much as twice as    D. as twice much as
  【句式仿写】 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。(Asia ,
  III 完成句子
  1.Now it is __________________________ the room .(现在轮到我们打扫房间)
  2.His father ____________________________work in another city .(阻止他去另一个城市工作)
  3.The student ___________________________________(puzzled)(对下一步做什么感到困惑)
  4. ____________________________(小心车辆) while crossing the road. (watch out for)
  5._______________________(既然大家都同意我的计划), let’s start for Shanghai next weekend.
  IV. 短文改错
  1. The presence of water makes that possible for life to develop on the earth.
  2. No one exact knows how the earth began.
  3. The earth became too violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.
  4. After that, some huge animals, calling dinosaurs, developed.
  5.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat escape from the earth.

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