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  Book 2   Module 3  Music
  Reading and vocabulary
  I. Teaching Content: Reading and vocabulary of Module 3
  II. Learning Aims:
  ● Ability Aims:   To enhance their ability of concluding and summarizing.   ● Affective Aims:  To learn about the methods of describing a figure and enjoy music.
  ● Knowledge Aims: To improve the writing skills by grasping useful expressions.
  III Teaching Procedures:
  Step 1. Lead-in ( To motivate students’ interests in this period)
  Play a piece of music f or students to enjoy.
  Ask: What’s the name of the music? (Symphony of Destiny) 
  Who wrote it?   (Beethoven)
  This period, we’ll learn 3 great foreign musicians.
  Step 2. Listening (To strengthen students ’ listening ability, and help them grasp the whole passage in general better)
  Listen carefully and mare of the musicians’ names. Then choose the best title.
  A. Three Great Austrian Composers
  B. Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century (√)
  C. Three Great Child Composers
  Step 3. Fast reading (To find more knowledge about the three musicians)
  Go through the passage in 4 minutes, filling the form.
  name birthplace family bacnd
  Haydn   Austria peasant
  Mozart Austria Musician
  orchestra conductor
  Beethoven Germany singer
  Step 4. Careful reading (Questions) (To master all details of each musician for the further retelling)
  1. What achievements did Haydn have?
  He is known as “the father of the symphony” because he changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra.

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