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  • 更新时间: 2016/3/13 18:20:08
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  一. 听力 (共25小题,每小题1分,计25分
  A. 情景反应  下面你将听到5个句子,请根据听到的句子,选出最恰当的答语。每个句子读一遍。
  1.A .Yes, wonderful, thanks.    B.I don’t know.        C. Not yet.
  2.A.Yes,we shall.            B. Sorry, I won’t.       C. Either.
  3.A.It’s nothing.             B.I think so.          C. It’s my pleasure.
  4.A.It’s so interesting that I have read it twice.   B. No problem  C.I like the end very much.
  5.A.Really?                B. Than.          C. How can it be?
  B. 对话理解   下面你将听到7段对话,请根据听到的对话,选出正确的选项。每段对话读两遍。
  6.A.He didn’t pass the geography test.  B. He didn’t try his best.    C. Nothing wrong.
  7.A.About 12,000.       B. More than 12,000.      C.10,000.
  8.A.He means it’s nothing serious. 
  B. He warns her to work hard.
  C. He wants to send her away.
  9. A. At 7:00.                B. At 7:15.              C. At 7:45.
  10.A.Rose.  B. Rose’s grandparent.   C.  Rose’s grandfather and grandmother.
  听第6段对话,完成第11-12 小题。
  11. A. Because he was on the Internet until mid﹣night.
  B. Because he was doing his homework and forgot the time.
  C. Because he didn’t go to bed until an exciting football match was over late in the night.
  12. A. She wants him to do his homework fast.
  B. She wants him to go to bed earlier.
  C. She doesn’t want him to do his homework in the evening.
  13. A. Sure.               B. We’re not sure.     C. Probably not.
  14. A. To go to the park.   B. To take Kate home.  C. To take Kate to the hospital.
  15. A. We don’t know.       B. No, he won’t.      C. Yes, he will.
  C. 短文理解   下面你将听到2篇短文,请根据听到的短文,选出正确的选项。每篇短文读两遍。
  16.What were Mr. and Mrs. Clarke going to America for?
  A.To be on business.     B. To see their children.   C. To spend their holiday.
  17. Why didn’t they take Billy with them?
  A. Because they couldn’t take him with them. 
  B. Because he wouldn’t like to go with them.
  C. Because they didn’t want him to follow them everywhere.
  18.When did Mr. Clarke drive to get Billy back?
  A.As soon as they came back.    B. Late at night.    C. The next morning.
  19.What did Mr. Clarke think of Billy’s stay at that place?
  A.He thought he enjoyed himself.
  B. He didn’t think he have a good time.
  C. He thought he had learned to make noise there.
  20.What was found by Mrs. Clarke?
  A. Her husband was quite right.          
  B. Billy had changed a lot.
  C. Her husband had brought the wrong dog home.
  21. What was the husband like?
  A. He was small and thin.  B. He was large and fat.   C. He was tall and strong
  22. How often did the man get his pay?
  A. Every month.         B. Every day.            C. Every Friday.
  23. What was his wife doing when the man hurried into the living room?
  A. Listening to the radio and eating apples.
  B. Watching TV and waiting for her husband.
  C. Listening to music and cleaning the floor.
  24. How did the husband get the ten thousand dollars?
  A. He saved the money little by little.
  B. He bought the lottery ticket(彩票).
  C. He found the money in his office.
  25. Was his wife pleased with the money?
  A. Yes, she was.    B. No, she wasn’t.    C. I’m afraid not.

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