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  • 更新时间: 2015/11/7 16:42:51
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  考试时间 70 分钟  满分 100 分
  (    ) 1. Last year he has an opportunity ______ abroad, but he gave it up.
  A. study        B. to study        C. of study    
  (     ) 2.John likes walking in the open air, _____________.
  A. So does Tom                 B. so Tom does     C. Tom likes also      
  (     )3. Mr. Wang is very strict _____his son. And he is very _______ everything he
  A. with; with              B. with; in          C. in; in      
  (     ) 4. Have you decided which coat_______?
  A. choose          B. choosing      C. to choose
  (     ) 5.Jenny seems __________ my family on Mid-autumn Day.
  A. to visit           B. visit            C. visiting      
  (     ) 6. The assistants don’t allow students __________ in the reading room. 
  A. speak            B. speaking        C. to speak    
  (     ) 7. I would like ________ at home this weekend.
  A. stay            B. staying         C. to stay
  (     ) 8. At last, Kangkang made the baby _______ and began to laugh.
  A. stop to cry        B. stop crying    C. to stop to cry 
  (     ) 9. Tom, your hair is too long. Would you please get your hair ____?
  A. cut          B. to cut         C.  be cut
  (     ) 10. Health is very _____and every student knows the _____of keeping healthy.
  A.important ; importance  B.important ; important
  C. importance ; importance   D. importance ; important
  (     ) 11.---I thindents should be allowed ___ homework with friends.
  ---I disagree. They talk instead of ________ homework.
  A. do, doing    B. to do, to do C. to do, doing    D. doing, to do
  (     ) 12.-I think teenagers should not be allowed to get car licenses.
  -I agree. They are not _______.
  A. serious enough      B.something serious
  C. nothing serious      D. enough serious
  (     ) 13.Swimming is good _____ our health, but at the same time we mustn’t forget the danger.     
  A. for B. at C. on   D. with
  (     ) 14.Do you think _________ should be allowed to drive?
  A. sixteen-year-old   B.seventeen-year-olds
  C. fifteen-year-old      D.eighteen-years-olds
  (     )15. It’s silly     you    your car at such a low price.
  A. for; to sell                    B. of; to sell
  C. for; sell                      D. of; sell
  A  16   boy never went to the market(集市)   17  .One day, his father let him  18  to the market to sell shoes made by themselves. When the boy got there with a big bag of shoes, the market was already crowded(拥挤).He found a place, put down the bag and carefully watched people  19  .He didn’t get home  20   the sun set.“How many pairs of shoes did you   21  today?” “Not a single(单一) pair!” said the boy  22   great sorrow.“What? What did you

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