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  九年级人教新目标 Unit13 单元检测试卷
  班别__________ 姓名 __________ 分数 __________
  一、听力理解 (略)
  二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) 
  (   )31. — I prefer to play _____piano in my free time. How about you?
  — I like playing ________ basketball.  
  A. a;the         B. the; /      C. a; an      D. the; a
  (   )32. — Look ! My sister’s room is full _________ toys. — She must like them very much.
  A. for          B. about  C. with  D. of
  (   )33. — He didn’t attend the meeting _________ he was ill in hospital.— I’m sorry to hear that.
  A. although     B. unless      C. because D. until
  (   )34. — Is Celia is as smart as her brother?— No, but she works ________ than him.
  A. harder  B. hard       C. hardest  D. the hardest
  (   )35. Gold is a kind of ________.
  A. plastic      B. metal  C. cloth  D. method
  (   )36. — Why doesn’t she wear her school uniform? — Because she thinks it is ________.
  A. easy          B. difficult  C. beautiful   D. ugly
  (   )37. — Why don’t you buy the car?    — It is too expensive. I can’t ________ it.
  A. afford          B. receive  C. sell  D. keep
  (   )38. — Did they agree with that?— No, ______ of them has his own opinion.
  A. All          B. Some  C. Each  D. Both
  (   )39. — Must I come to the party at 5 o’clock?— No, you ________.
  A. shouldn’t        B. needn’t    C. couldn’t    D. mightn’t
  (   )30. — I heard that your pen pal Julia had a big family. Is that true?
  — Yes, she is ________ child in her family.
  A. five          B. the five  C. fifth       D. the fifth
  (   )41. I used to _______ coins, but now I collect stamps.  
  A. collecting      B. collect    C. collects  D. collected

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