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  • 更新时间: 2015/9/7 12:17:54
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  第一部分 听力
  第一节    听力选择(15小题,计15分)
  (  )1. What’s wrong with Tina?
  A                         B                      C
  (  )2. What does the man want?
  A                       B                      C
  (  )3. Whom did the girl have a fight with?
  A. Her brother.           B. Her friend.           C. Her cousin.
  (  )4. What are they talking about?
  A. The deepest river.     B. The longest river.     C. The geography book.
  (  )5. What did Alice’s father buy for her on her twelfth birthday?
  A. A bike.               B. A dog.               C. A toy bear.
  (  )6. How many times has Tom seen The Monkey King?
  A. Once.                   B. Twice.             C. Three times.
  (  )7. Who is Ming?
  A. Tom’s brother.          B. Tom’s pen friend.  C. Mary’s pen friend.
  (  )8. What’s Linda’s hobby?
  A. Keeping pet animals.      B. Visiting cute animals.  C. Collecting toy animals.
  (  )9. How long has Linda had her hobby?
  A. For five years.           B. For nine years.        C. For ten years.
  (  )10. How does Daisy look?
  A. Tired.                  B. Bored.                 C. Worried.
  (  )11. Who is Cindy?
  A. Daisy’s sister.         B. Daisy’s cousin.         C. Daisy’s classmate.
  (  )12. What didn’t Daisy and Cindy do yesterday?
  A. They didn’t watch TV.   B. They didn’t sing songs.   C. They didn’t draw pictures.
  (  )13. What dance are they talking about?
  A. Yangge dance.              B. Dragon dance.         C. Lion dance.
  (  )14. Who like this kind of dance?
  A. Children.                   B. Young people.          C. Old people.
  (  )15. What do the people think of the clubs?
  A. They can make their life colorful.
  B. They can help them make friends.
  C. They can make them become famous.
  第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)
  Joe’garden It is the most  (16)__________ in town
  It’s more (17 ) ____________ than Bill’s
  There is (18) ________  over a pool
  Bill’s garden It’s larger than Joe’s
  There are more (19) __________in it.
  My garden It’s the  (20)_______garden in town.
  第二部分  笔试部分
  第一节 单项填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共15个小题,每小题1分)
  (  ) 21 She has decided          at home and have a good rest..
  A. staying         B. to stay     C. stayed   
  (  )22  Diaoyu Island(钓鱼岛) belongs to China.
  ---------Surely it does!We Chinese will never ________ .
  A.loop    B.put it up      C.give it up
  (  )23 My mother ______ the dishes in the kitchen when I came back home.
  A. did                B. has done               C. was doing
  (  )24 Nancy has two brothers, but ________ of them is a worker.
  A  neither        B  both

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