2014-2015学年度第一学期九年级英语Unit 10标准检测试卷

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  Unit 10 标准检测
  (时间:100分钟 满分:120分 得分:________)
  (  )1.Which film does the man's cousin like?
  A.  B.  C.
  (  )2.What is Lucy used to eating with in China?
  A.  B.  C.
  (  )3.Who should young people help?
  A.  B.  C.
  (  )4.What's the speaker talking about?
  A.  B.  C.
  (  )5.What exam did the speaker do well in?
  A.  B.  C.
  (  )6.What are the Japanese supposed to do when they meet for the first time?
  A.To bow.      B.To kiss.
  C.To shake hands.
  (  )7.When do people in Colombia usually arrive if they are invited to a party at 6:30?
  A.Just 6:30.      B.Before 6:30.
  C.A little later than 6:30.
  (  )8.What's Ann doing while eating noodles?
  A.Making a noise. 
  B.Keeping quiet.
  C.Eating too slowly.
  (  )9.What will the woman do next?
  A.Carry the books herself.
  B.Help the man carry the books.
  C.Ask the man to help her carry the books.
  (  )10.What's true about the woman?
  A.She had no work to do in Switzerland.
  B.She didn't visit her uncle in Switzerland.
  C.She wrote an e­mail to thanncle.
  (  )11.What happened to John?
  A.He had an easy exam.   
  B.He may fail an exam.       
  C.He lost interest in study.
  (  )12.What's the girl's advice for him?
  A.Try to change the result.    
  B.Try to pay more attention to the exam.  
  C.Try to pay more attention to the future study.
  (  )13.Why does Lingling not eat too many peaches in summer?
  A.Because she doesn't like peaches.   
  B.Because eating too many of them may ma uncomfortable.       
  C.Because they are too expensive.
  (  )14.What may you feel if you eat too many peaches? 
  A.Feel very hot.  
  B.Feel very angry. 
  C.Feel very thirsty.
  (  )15.What fruit is good for people in summer?
  A.Peach.        B.Pear.      C.Apple.
  (  )16.John has long hair because________.
  A.he likes long hair
  B.his hair always grows too fast
  C.his friends don't ask him to cut it
  (  )17.John looks like________.
  A.strong  but short
  B.big and strong
  C.short and thin
  (  )18.John's friends don't ask John to cut his hair because ________.
  A.they think it's a pity to cut such long hair
  B.they're afraid to tell him to do that
  C.they thinks he looks nice with the long hair
  (  )19.The barber wants to ________.
  A.clean John's hair     
  B.cut John's hair    
  C.make John famous
  (  )20.John's answer means________.
  A.John would be happy if the barber cut his hair
  B.the barber wouldn't give John a good haircut
  C.if the barber do that, John would beat him
  Manners in a dinner party
  What to ta can take some drinks like 21.________ juice, beer or something like these.
  When to arrive You should arrive on time or no more than 22.________ minutes late.
  If you'll be fifteen minutes late, you should give the host a 23.________.
  What to do at table Try to be relaxed and 24.________ at table.If you can't use knife and 25.________,you can watch others.
  (  )26.Tomorrow is Labor Day.He ________ his uncle.
  A.dropped by      B.drop by       

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