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9A Unit 4 TV programmes



1.一周体坛概要_____________________   2.许多最新的信息_____________________

3.报道不同的运动___________________   4.许多采访___________________________

5.现场直播_________________________   6.近距离观察_________________________

7.发短信到10188___________________   8.一部恐怖片_________________________

9.两张免费的音乐会票_______________  10.出席电影颁奖典礼__________________


1.Is there___________(最新)news in today’s newspaper?

2.Will the match be__________(报道)by radio?

3.Do you think Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous_________(导演)in the world.

4.We don’t know the result until it is____________(宣布)by the teacher.

5.The man ran very fast and____________(消失)at once.

6.What has happened to you? You look a bit__________(心烦意乱).

7.If you know the answer,please send text____________(信息)to 138625.

8.I have to get ready for the__________(即将s.

9.Would you like to go to the_________(音乐会)with me?

10.A doctor was___________(谋杀)at his office.


(    )1.This is___________.You may learn a lot about nature.

A.an one-hour-documentary            B.a one-hour-documentary

C.an one-hour documentary            D.a one-hour documentary

(    )2.He_______ two years ago.He has been______ for two years.His________ made his  family very sad.

A.died,died,dead   B.died,dead,death  C.dead,died,death  D.death,dead,died

(    )3.________the teachers in our school is about 100,and half of them______ women teachers.

A.A number of,is   B.The number of,is  C.The number of,are   D.A number of,are

(    )4.The woman is_______ in this______ water game,but her fiends have no______ in it.

A.interesting,interested,interest       B.interesting,interesting,interested

C.interested,interesting,interest        D.interested,interested,interesting

(    )5._________trees are planted each spring in our school.

A.Two hundred of   B.Hundreds of    C.Two hundreds of   D.Hundred of

(    )6.An important meeting was held in our city last week.Many reporters came to_____ it.

A.Watch           B.look          C.write             D.cover

(    )7.A:What else can I watch in this programme?

B:A report________ the coming World Cup will also be________.

A.to,included     B.on,including     C.on,included    D.to,including

(    )8.A:Do you know who will be the winner of the game?

B:No one knows________ the end of the game.

A.in             B.by               C.as             D.until

(    )9.The World Cup_______ every four years.

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