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  • 更新时间: 2013/11/26 13:40:45
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  I. 听力 (15分,每题1分)
  (    )1. A. I always have a good time at school.
  B. I always have a good time at home.
  C. I never have a good time at school.
  (    )2. A. My favourite subjects are Chinese, Art and Science.
  B. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science.
  C. My favourite subjects are Maths, English and Science.
  (    )3. A. We have our morning break at 9:50 a.m.
  B. We have our morning break at 9:40 a.m.
  C. We have our morning break at 10:30 a.m.
  (    )4. A. I want to be an engineer when I grow up.
  B. I was an engineer when I was young.
  C. I became an engineer in my dream last night.
  (    )5. A. After school, we make great music at home.
  B. After school, we make great music with each other.
  C. After school, we make great music at different places.
  (    )6. Where is David from?
  A. He is from the UK.    B. He is from the US.   C. He is from Japan.
  (    )7. What is Julia’s sister?
  A. A singer.    B. A nurse.     C. An art teacher.
  (    )8. How can they get to the zoo?
  A. By bus.   B. By bike.    C. On foot.
  (    )9. What does the man usually do on Sunday evening?
  A. He reads the paper.   B. He goes to the park.   C. he rests all d
  II. 单项选择:(25分,每题1分)
  i. 在四个选项中,选择与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的词。(5分)
  (    )16.  age       A. flat       B. Japan         C. away       D. grade
  (    )17.  practice   A. protect     B. subject        C. nice        D. article
  (    )18.  blog      A.together   B.geography    C. close       D.polite
  (    )19.  learn      A. hear       B. earth         C. ear         D. their
  (    )20.  junior     A. must       B. pollute       C. useful       D. umbrella
  ii.选择与划线部分意思相近的选项。 (5分)
  (    )21. I hope you enjoy yourself at the party.
  A. hava a good time   B. by yourself   C. play well   D. make friends with
  (    )22. These are my favourite hobbies.
  A. things I must do              B. things I like doing in my free time
  C. things I hate doing             D. things my teacher ask me to do as homework
  (    )23. Classes start at 8 a.m., and I am seldom late.
  A. never       B. often        C. not often       D. always
  (    )24. The Earth provides us with air, water and food.
  A. gives       B. shows       C. asks           D. protect
  (    )25. We burn things to make energy. This pollutes the air.

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