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  • 更新时间: 2013/11/1 12:40:32
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  II. 选择填空 从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 (共20分,每小题1分)
  (   )21. --Who’s talking in the next room?
  --Nobody. Jim’s radio _______.
  A. is saying     B. is on      C. on saying      D. on
  (   )22. _________ the hotel and turn right, the bank is between the hospital and the bookstore.
  A  Go along B  Go away C  Go past D Go down
  (    ) 23.-- Amy used to be very short, _______ she?
  A. used     B. didn’t      C. didn’t use      D. usedn’t to
  (   )24. --_________ important work it is !
  A. What an   B. What   C. How   D. How an
  (   )25. --She got up very early_____he could catch the first bus.     
  A. in order to    B. in order that  C. so that      D. so as
  (   )26.--Where is your dictionary, David?
  --oh, I _______it to Sam yesterday. He’ll return it tomorrow.
  A.gave   B.lent      C.borrowed   D.showed
  (    ) 27.---You can take either of them .This one is _____that one.
  A. as powerful as  B. more powerful as C. as more powerful than D. as powerful as
  (    ) 28.--The book _____________ Mary because her mane is on it .
  A. can’t be  B must belong to   C.. must be   D. can’t belong to
  (    ) 29.--We ______ here two hours ago. We ______ here for two hours.
  A. have arrived, have been  B. arrived, have been 
  C. arrived, were           D. arrive, had been
  (    ) 30.-- Not only the students but also the teacher _______basketball.
  A. like playing     B. loves     C. love to play    D. love.
  (    ) 31.-- What will you do if it _______ tomorrow?
  -- Maybe I’ll stay at home and watch TV.
  A. rain     B. rains       C. rain      D. raining
  (    ) 32.--This kind of food smells ____, so it sells ____.
  A good,good  B well,well  C good,well  D well, good
  (    ) 33.---We can use QQ to talk with each other online.
  --- Great! Could you show me _________it?
  A. how to use  B. what to use  C. where it use  D. when to use
  (    ) 34.-- Usually most students feel ____before their final exams.
  A. happy   B. sad  C. confused  D.nervous
  (    ) 35.--How is the weather there,Tony?
  --It’s terrible.It’s raining______.People can ______go out.
  A.hard,hardly  B.hardly, hard C.hard,hard  D. hardly hardly
  (    ) 36.--How long have you ________this bike?
  --For two months
  A. borrowed B bought C got      D. had
  (    ) 37.--Your city looks  beautiful ! 
  --Yes . Lots of trees and grass ____ last year.
  A are planted    B have planted     C were planting      D were planted
  (    ) 38. The river through our city, which is about _________, is clean again.
  A. 6000 metres long            B. 6000-metres-long
  C. 6000-metre-long            D. 6000 metre long
  (    ) 39. --Where is Tom?
  --He has__________ the lab。
  A been to  B gone to  C go to  D went to
  (    ) 40.--Could you tell me _____ it’s fine or not tomorrow?
  A. if  B.that C. so D whether
  A: Can I help you?
  B: Yes,_41__.
  A: Oh,we’ ve got some dresses

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