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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二上学期试卷
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  • 资源大小: 108 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2013/10/26 11:01:42
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What will Peter do later ?
  A. Take a bath.     B. Do the laundry.     C. Make a call.
  2. Where is Tina?
  A. In the park.  
  B. In the garden.  
  C. In the bedroom.
  3. What does the man mean?
  A. Jenny needs less time to do it. 
  B. Jenny needs one hour to do it.  
  C. The rest don’t want to do it.
  4. What does the man want?
  A. A blue sweater.      
  B. A purple sweater.       
  C. A blue coat.
  5. What does the man advise the woman to do?
  A. Count numbers.
  B. Try some pills.
  C. Listen to some rocsic.
  6. How long did the woman live in this house?
  A. For a week. 
  B. For ten days.      C. For two weeks.
  7.What did the man buy for the woman?
  A. Some flowers.     B. Some books.    C. Some CDs.
  8.What does the man want to send?
  A. A photo album and a pair of shoes.
  B. A stamp collection and a pair of gloves.
  C. A photo album and a pair of gloves.
  9.What’s the post code of LA?
  A. CA90015.
  B. CA90105.
  C. CA90051.
  10. What day is it today?
  A. It’s Monday.  
  B. It’s Wednesday.  
  C. It’s Friday.
  11.What do they think of the match?
  A. Great.
  B. Terrible.
  C. Not very good.
  12.How did the girl get to the gym at last?
  A. On foot.     B. By bike.     C. By taxi.
  13.When did the match begin?
  A. At 3:00 pm.
  B. At 3:20 pm.
  C. At 3:40 pm.
  14. Who are the two speakers most probably?
  A. Strangers .
  B. Neighbors.
  C. Husband and wife.
  15.What do we know about Bob?
  A. He has got a fever.
  B. He needs some money.
  C. His son Henry is ill.
  16. What does Bob ask Kate to do?
  A. Have dinner together.
  B. Look after his daughter.
  C. Go to the hospital.
  17. What is the relationship between the speaker and the host?
  A. Relatives.
  B. Friends.
  C. Strangers.
  18.What did the host think of the visitors at first?
  A. Friendly       B. Impolite.     C. Honest.
  19.Whose cat is it?
  A. The host’s.
  B. The speaker’s.
  C. Nobody knows.
  20.What did they do with the cat finally?
  A. Got it out.
  B. Played with it.
  C. Fed it with some fish.
  第二部分  英语知识运用
  21. ________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to your skin.
  A.Exposed   B.Having exposed   C.Being exposed   D.After being exposed
  22. The professor __________ at the meeting will give us a lecture next week.
  A. referred B. referred to
  C. referring D. referring to
  23. In copying this paper, be careful not to __________ any words.
  A. leave behind B. leave aside
  C. leave off D. leave out
  24. The opening province which __________ thirteen countries and three coastal cities will quicken its pace of economic development.

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