《Amusement Park》模拟试题

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  Unit 10 Amusement Park模拟试题
  I. 根据句意和首字母补全单词:
  1. What do you t__________ of the Summer Palace?
  **2. People p__________ into Peniversity Gymnastics.
  *3. Why did the Olympic Games a__________ so many people?
  **4. I don’t want to go there. Because I have ever been to the a__________ park.
  *5. It’s really an unforgettable e__________! It helps me relax.
  II. 用所给词的适当形式填空:
  *1. —Have you ever __________ (do) roller skating?
  —Yes, I have.
  *2. Have you done an horse __________ (ride)?
  **3. —__________you ever __________(be) to Hong Kong?
  —Yes, I have. I __________ (go) there last year.
  4. —Did you enjoy __________ (stay) up late?
  —Yes, I did.
  **5. Linda thought __________ (cook) Chinese food was interesting.
  III. 根据中英提示完成下列各句:
  1. 你觉得故宫怎么样?
  ____________________the Palace Museum.
  **2. 你去过海南吗?
  ____________________ Hainan?
  *3. 她听到这个消息时,情不自禁地哭了。
  When she heard the news, she ____________________.
  *4. 熬夜对我们没有好处。
  ____________________ for us ____________________.
  **5. 老师教育我们不要放弃希望。
  The teacher ____________________ the hope.
  IV. 单项选择:
  *1. —__________you __________here before?
  —Yes, only once.
  A. Have, been to                  B. Have, been
  C. Have, gone to                  D. Have, gone
  *2. —__________ the game?
  —It’s so exciting and wonderful.
  A. What do you lit
  B. How do you lit

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