《Have you ever been to an amusement park》单元测试英语试题

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  Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?
  Ⅰ. Grammatical structures (10分)
  (  ) 1. Linda ______ the space museum after school yesterday.
  A. has been to  B. was going to  C. went to
  (  ) 2. You don’t need to describe her. I ______ her several times.
  A. meet   B. will meet  C. have met 
  (  ) 3. Have you ________ heard of Disneyland?
  A. always      B. ever         C. never
  (  ) 4. — ______ did you start skating?
  —Five years ago.
  A. When      B. How long   C. How often
  (  ) 5. —Which parld you like to visit, People’s Park or West Hill Park?
  —_____ . I would like to visit Seaside Park.
  A. Both.   B. Either  C. Neither
  (  )6. I’m feeling better, so I want to start ________ .
  A. taking lesson      B. to take lesson
  C. taking lessons         
  (  )7. It is ________ very popular gift.
  A. a kind of     B. kinds of     C. the kind of
  (  )8. —How can I get there?
  —You can __________ .
  A. take a ride boat  B. take a ride on the boat
  C. take a boat on the ride  
  (  )9. Australia is ________ country.
  A. an English-speaking    B. a speaking-English
  C. a speaking English’s
  (  )10. The island is quite warm all year round, because it’s ________ the equator.
  A. next      B. close to    C. far from
  Ⅱ. Language skills (25分)
  A) 根据句意拼写下列单词,首字母已给出。(5分)
  11. —Do you know who d_____ America?
  12. —How many f________ languages can you speak, Lin Dong?
  —Two. English and Spanish.
  13. You can find many a_________ in that city, for example, the Water World and the amusement park.  
  14. When you are in Disneyland, you can see Disney c_________ walking around it all the time.
  15. A_______ is the third season of the year.
  B) 从方框内选出短语,并用其适当形式填空。(10分)
  end up,  go on,  such as,  wap,  rather than
  16. Jenny likes to eat lots of fruits, _________ bananas and oranges.
  17. I want to be a teacher _________ a scientist in the future.

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