《The Forbidden City》同步检测题

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  • 更新时间: 2013/4/16 23:15:39
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  Unit 5 The Forbidden City同步检测题
  Ⅰ. 单项选择:
  1. We’ll have a meeting to discuss it _____ the morning of May 15th .
  A. in      B. on       C. at       D. during
  **2. Peter hardly had time for concerts at that time, ______?
  A. wasn’t he     B. was he      C. didn’t he     D. did he
  *3.—You will go swimming this Saturday, won’t you?
  —______. I have to work this Saturday.
  A. Yes, I will     B. Yes, I won’t    C. No, I won’t    D. No, I will
  4. Your brother has washed all the clothes by himself, _______?
  A. is he       B. does he       C. doesn’t he     D. hasn’t he
  **5. You haven’t changed your mind, _______?
  A. do you      B. are you      C. have you      D. did you
  **6. All the mobile phones must be ______ during the meeting.
  A. kept fit       B. iet     C. kept off      D. kept away
  7. His father makes a living     driving a taxi.
  A. by       B. with      C. for      D. through
  **8. Girls are usually       of spiders and insects.
  A. sure     B. terrified    C. made     D. kinds
  **9. Children often make mistakes     spelling.
  A. for      B. in        C. on      D. at
  **10. Sixteen-year-olds           to watch this kind of movie because it’s too scary.
  A. should allow      B. shouldn’t be allowed 
  C. should be allowed       D. don’t allow
  *11.—Do you always spend lots of time      playing computer games?
  —No, but I spend much time         my homework.
  A. on; in      B. on; on       C. in; on       D. in; in
  **12. Great changes _____ in my hometown since 1980.
  A. have been taken place     B. took place
  C. have taken place     D. were taken place
  13. We should     the new words that we don’t know how to spell.
  A. look for  B. look after  C. look up  D. look down
  **14. Did Tom and Jim      play the computer games?
  A. used to  B. use to     C. usedn’t to  D. use
  **15. Boys and girls, do you have any trouble        the foreigners?
  A. to understand  B. understand    C. understanding  D. understood

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