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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二上学期试卷
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  • 资源大小: 163 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/9/29 21:47:51
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  1. Why did the woman have to go home?
  A. To get her check          B. To fetch her ID card.    C. To get some cash
  2. What will the man most probably do tonight?
  A. Do the woman’s printing   B. Write his report        C. Do his own work
  3.  What are they talking about?
  A. Renting an apartment      B. Buying a gift          C. Cooking good food
  4.  Where are the speakers going this evening?
  A. To the gym              B. To the beach           C. To the cinema
  5.  Where does the conversation probably take place?
  A. At a company            B. At a party             C. At a department store
  6.  Where’s the woman?
  A. In the supermarket        B. In the kitchen          C. In the furniture shop
  7.  What does the woman want?
  A. Tomatoes               B. Vinegar               C. Eggs
  21.—Did Susan visit you again ________ next year?
  —No,it was almost ten years before she came to see me ________ second time.
  A.the;a   B.the;/        C./;the        D./;a
  22.—May I remind you that a Mr. Zhang is waiting downstairs,sir?
  —Oh,dear!I ________ about it.
  A.forget    B.forgot     C.have forgotten   D.had forgotten
  23.Now my hometown is not at all ________ a traveler who visited it ten years ago can expect.
  A.that   B.what      C.which     D.where
  24.________ the working efficiency,the boss allows the employees to have a coffee break.
  A.Improving   B.To improve    C.Having improved     D.Improved
  25.—How do you Chinese celebrate Mid­autumn Day?
  —Well,it depends.For me,I usually sit in the yard,________ the full moon with my family.
  A.admired    B.admiring     C.to admire   D.being admiring
  26.The evidence couldn’t prove him ________ of the crime,so he was set free.

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