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  • 更新时间: 2012/7/24 22:22:03
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  英    语
  你将听到5个句子.请在下列六幅圈中选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,并在答题卡上按要求作答。 每个句子读一遍。
  1.           2.         3.            4.          5.        
  6. What are they talking about?
  A. An MP 4.             B. An e - book.              C. An iPhone 4.
  7. How long has David had it?
  A. For three days.        B. For three weeks.          C. For three months.
  8. Where did David buy it?
  A. In Beijing.            B. In Hong Kong.           C. In Shanghai.
  9. What happened to the woman?
  A. She was lost in the street.
  B. Her bike was broken on the way.
  C. Her bag w as taken away by a  man.
  10. What color was the man's T- shirt?
  A. White.            B. Black.            C. Blue.
  11. What was unusual about the man?
  A. He was a young man with short hair.
  B. He was very tall and strong.
  C. He was wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day.
  12. What competition did the boy enter?
  A. Skating.            B. Rock Climbing.     C. Cycling.
  13. Who was the winner of the competition?
  A. Tom.               B. Betty.              C. Tom's parents.
  14. What did the boy's parents give him for his birthday?
  A. A pair of socks.     B. A pair of gloves.    C. A pair of shoes.
  15. In the boy' s opinion, how can young people be successful?
  A. Watch the game and enjoy it.
  B. Have a pair of special shoes.
  C. Have a dream and work hard.
  16. What's the speaker?
  A. A teacher.         B. A driver.          C. A guide.
  17. Where are the visitors?
  A. In Canada.         B. In Britain.         C. In America.
  18. Which season is it now?
  A. Summer.            B. Autumn.            C. Winter.
  19. Where is the bus driving?
  A. Around the lake.    B. Around the river.    C. Around the park.
  20. How soon will the visitors return to the bus?
  A. In thirty minutes.    B. In forty minutes.    C. In fifty minutes.
  四、听短文。填信息(共5小题。每小题l分.共5分)    一
  International Pen Friends Club
  Time  started in 21.       
  People  over three hundred thousand 22.      from different countries
  Activities  23       out about life in another country
  practice their English
  enjoy their 24.       
  collect the stamps on the letters they 25.        

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