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  • 更新时间: 2012/6/15 21:30:52
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  第I卷 (52分)
  I、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。
  1. My grandpa used to play _____ violin after dinner, but now he is used to playing _____ chess with me. A. /; a     B. the; /   C. the; the   D. the; a 2. Daniel is polite and helpful. He is a good friend of _____. A. mine    B. my   C. me    D. I 3. Kitty is fond _____ dancing, but she spends little time _____ it this weese of the coming exams.
  A. of; in    B. of; on   C. about; on   D. about; in 4. The music from the radio sounds so beautiful. Could you please _____ the radio a little, Mum? A. turn on   B. turn off  C. turn up   D. turn down 5. Simon's idea is _____ Sandy's. They don't agree with each other. A. the same as   B. similar to  C. as good as   D. different from 6. I'm much _____ than my two friends, but I jump _____ of us three. A. taller; higher  B. shorter; higher  C. taller; highest  D. shorter; highest 7. Look, Peter is still reading in the library, He _____ here for two hours. A. has come     B. has been    C. was    D. came 8. Don't worry. It's nothing serious at all and you _____ take any medicine. A. can't     B. shouldn't    C. mustn't   D. needn't 9. It is summer now in China, _____ it is winter in Australia. A. before     B. until     C. while    D. since 10. -Does your brother like going hiking on Sundays? --No, he would rather read books at home than _____ hiking. A. go     B. going     C. to go    D. goes 11. -Do you know _____, Mire. From May 1st, 2010 to October 31st, 2010. A. when will World Expo Shanghai be he ld  B. when World Expo Shanghai will be held C. how soon will World Expo Shanghai be held  

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