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  • 资源大小: 389 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/28 21:45:10
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  命题人:蒋筠        复核人:李楠
  满分:100分  考试时间:100分钟
  一、单项填空   从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共15分,每小题1分)
  1. This is ______music I’ve told you about. Isn’t it_______ beautiful piece?
  A. a, a      B. a, the      C. the, a       D. the, the
  2. Kate was not sure ________.
  A. that she should go through the third gate     
  B. if she should go through the third gate or not
  C. which gate should she go
  D. which gate she should go through
  3.______ Justin ______ Paul may go with you because one of them must stay at home.
  A. Not only ... but also    B. Both ... or  
  C. Both ... and                    D. Either ... or
  4. He saw a man ________ into his neighbour’s house and ________ out for help.
  A. brorried B. brearried C. brearry D. brearrying
  5. ---Could I have a talk with the headmaster now?
  ---Sorry, you ________. He is having a meeting inside.
  A. can’t         B. may not    C. couldn’t       D. needn’t
  6. I ________ the chairman’s plan because it will save a lot of money once it is carried out.
  A. bring           B. hold             C. support       D. agree
  7. It is ________ dictionary that it is of ________ to us.
  A. such an useful; greatly value   B. such a useful; great value
  C. so useful a; great valuable    D. so a useful; greatly valuable
  8.________ space! Let’s wait for another bus.
  A. What crowded   B. How a crowded   C. What a crowded   D. How crowded
  9.I found ___________ not easy to remember all the twelve star signs because they are difficult to pronounce(发音) and spell.
  A. that            B. it’s             C. this               D. it
  10. By the time I ________ on the TV, Beckham _________ two goals.
  A. turned; have scored          B. turned; had scored
  C. had turned; have scored       D. had turned; had scored
  11. A strong earthquake attacked Japan ¬¬¬at1:46pm. I __________ when I heard about the bad news.

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