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  • 更新时间: 2011/12/9 20:39:10
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  第一卷(共85分)   听力部分(一至四题)
  一、 听句子,选画面(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)每个句子读一遍。
  二、 听句子,选择最佳答案(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)每段对话读两遍。
  (   ) 6.What do they want to do this Sunday?
  A. To go boating.     B. To go skating.      C. To go fishing
  (   ) 7. Where are they going to meet?
  A. In the park.       B. In Jim’s house.     C. At the school gate.
  (   ) 8. When are they going to meet?
  A. At 11:00 am.      B. At 1:00 pm.          C. At 3:00 pm.
  (   ) 9.What’s Mary doing?
  A. Watching TV.      B. Reading a newspaper.  C. Listening to music.
  (   ) 10. When will Jacrn the CD player?
  A. At the end of the week.  B. Next month.   C. At the end of the month.
  (   ) 11. Does Mary lend her CDs to Jack?
  A. Yes, she does.         B. No, she doesn’t.  C. We don’t know.
  (   ) 12. Which city would Rose like to  go for her holiday?
  A. Hong Kong              B. Harbin             C. Hangzhou
  (   ) 13. Who is Rose going to see?
  A. Her uncle              B. Her  grandparents   C. Her m other
  (   ) 14. What will Bill show to Rose tomorrow?
  A. Some photos            B. Some flowers       C. Some books
  (   ) 15. How many times has Bill been to the city?
  A. Once                   B. Twice              C. Three times
  三、 短文理解。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)短文读两遍。
  (   ) 16. What was the weather like in the morning?
  A. Sunny                  B. Windy              C. Snowy
  (   ) 17. How did they go to the park?
  A. By bike                B. By car             C. By bus
  (   ) 18. What happened to them on the way home?
  A. They were caught in the rain.   B. Their car hit a tree.
  C. They stopped to rest.
  (   ) 19. Who went to help them?
  A. Their friends.         B. The police         C. Their teachers.
  (    ) 20. Who was taken to hospital?
  A. Mary                   B. Mary’s mother     C. Jimmy
  四、 听短文,填信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
  五、 单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  (   ) 26. It’s wasteful to throw away _________.
  A. glass, papers and metal               B. glass, paper and metals  
  C. glass, paper and metal                D. glasses, papers and metals
  (   ) 27. The smile on her face shows that she is _________ her work.
  A. worried about   B. pleased with       C. worry about     D. please with
  (   ) 28. There is a law(法律)against _________ the forest.
  A. cutting down  B. cuting down        C. cut             D. to cut
  (   ) 29. Look at the sign --- “No __________”.
  A. enter          B. enters             C. entry           D. entered
  (   ) 30. The town is going to spend $80,000 in building a bridge __ the river.
  A. over           B. on                 C. in              D. above
  (   ) 31. ---- Everybody ______ a chance to talk with Liu Xiang next week.
  ---- Really? That’s good news.
  A. was given      B. is going to give   C. will be given   D. gives
  (   ) 32. This bike doesn’t worst ____________.
  A. mend            B. to mend            C. mended          D. be mended
  (   ) 33. Uncle Wang was very careful ________ what he ate.
  A. for             B. about              C. to              D. at
  (   ) 34. A book on the world’s greatest wonders ______ next month.
  A. will publish    B. will be published    C. has published  D. has been published
  (   ) 35. ---- May I use your digital camera to take a photo?
  ---- ________________.
  A. It doesn’t matter B. S ure! Here it is. C. You’re welcome.D. Sorry to hear that.
  六、 完型填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
  Tom who was cleaning shoes in the street said to a young man passing by, “ Let me clean your  36  .” The young man said, “No, than.” “You may pay me only a pound, sir.” said Tom. But the young man refused___37 ___.

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