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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/15 22:21:14
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  英  语
  一 选择填空(共25题,每小题1分,满分25分)
  A. 单项填空
  1. Yesterday ______ 11-year-old boy fell into the river. Luckily _____ boy was saved by his neighbour at once.
  A. a; a         B. an; a             C. an; the    D. the; a
  2. There _________a clothing factory near my school, now it has changed into a supermarket.
  A. used to have                       B. is used to be  
  C. used to be                         D. was used to be
  3. -Could I watch TV, Mum? I want to have a rest.
  -No,you _______. You must finish your homework first
  A. mustn’t           B. couldn’t           C. may not          D. can’t
  4. He speaks English ______ an American, so we all believe that he has stayed in America for many years.
  A. as good as           B. worse than       C. as badly as          D. as well as
  5. -__________ sheep in the picture!
  -I looked after them with their master for half a day when I traveled in Australia.
  A. What a lovely         B. What lovely      C. How a lovely       D. How lovely
  6. —Mr and Mrs White loong.
  —Yes. But they        for more than thirty years.
  A. married       B. have married        C. had married      D. have been married
  7. The old man wondered __________.
  A. which gate he can go through           B. where could he get a ticket
  C. when the train would arrive              D. who was he talking to
  8. We spend as much time as we can ______ English.
  A. read          B. to read            C. reading          D. have read
  9. The travelers arrived ______ Shanghai _____ a sunny day .
  A. at ,in           B. at ,on            C. in , in           D. in, on
  10. It’s ____ hard problem for the twins that ____ of them can wort .
  A. so ,neither        B. such a , none       C. so a , neither       D. such a ,neither
  11. — What do you think of Miss Li’s teaching?
  —Oh, no one teaches ________.
  A. good              B. well             C. better             D. best
  12. ---Dad, I’ve got an “A” in the geography exam.
  ---That’s a good _________. Keep it up.
  A. suggestion B. advice C. reason   D. beginning.
  13. ---When are you going to fly to Taiwan this summer?
  ---_________ we finish school. It will be a great holiday.
  A. Because      B. Since  C. Until  D. As soon as
  14. ---Who taught her English?
  ---Nobody. She learned it by ________.
  A. herself     B. myself   C. yourself   D. itself
  15. He’s never late for class, ________?
  A. is he           B. has he            C. isn’t he           D. hasn’t he

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