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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/25 22:14:57
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  第Ⅰ卷 (选择题70分)
  1. A. I’m glad to.     B. Come on.       C. Yes, could you show me the red MP4.
  2. A. I’ll stay at home.  B. I will ask for help.     C. I will call 120.
  3. A. Go to the hospital, please.  B. I have a stomachache.   C. Ask for the doctor, please.
  4. A. Than.    B. The same to you.      C. Happy birthday to you.
  5. A. How? They are good.    B. Why? They are nice.   C. When? I love them.
  6. A. He talks too much.                      B. He often keeps silent.
  C. He has no chance to speak.
  7. A. 9:30.             B. 9:50.              C. 9:10.
  8. A. Singapore.        B. Thailand.           C. Japan
  9. A. In May.           B. In June.            C. In July.
  10. A. Angry.           B. Happy.            C. Surprised.
  11. When was China’s Project Hope set up?
  A. In 1989.          B. In 1990.           C. In 1998.
  12. What is the aim of Project Hope?
  A. To collect money.                      B. To help poor people all over the world.
  C. To help students and schools in poor areas.
  13. Where does the woman want to have her breakfast?
  A. In the dining hall.                      B. In the restaurant.
  C. In her room
  14. What kind of juice does the woman order?
  A. Watermelon         B. Orange.         C. Grape.
  15. When does the dialogue happen?
  A. In the afternoon.     B. At night.         C. In the morning.
  16. Many people ________ as the first thing every morning.
  A. read newspapers                       B. listen to the news on the radio
  C. watch the news
  17. Newspapers ________ what is going on in the world.
  A. let people thint                   B. help people know
  C. ask people to talt
  18. What does the front page mean in the passage in Chinese?
  A. 前1/3           B. 前面             C. 头版
  19. There are different kinds of newspapers to _________.
  A. meet people’s needs                    B. read every morning
  C. published
  20. __________enjoy the largest number of readers.


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