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  高二  英语必修5  月考
  1.The police told us they had to _______the bags before we got into the house.
  A. examine     B. look          C. test          D.test on
  2. When I went in, they were_____in a heated discussion.
  A. absorbs      B.to absorb      C. is absorbing    D.absorbed
  3.I was _______to find all the books had been sold out when we got there.
  A.disappoint    B. to disappoint   C.disappointing   D.disappointed
  4.---It’s been a wonderful evening.Than very much.
  A. My pleasure  B.No thanks     C.It’s ok.         D.I’m glad to hear that
  5.---I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.
  A. Cheers      B.Good luck     C.Come on        D.Congratulations
  6.The thief______the house.
  A. brot    B.broke into     C.brop       D.broke away from
  7.Come and see me whenever______.
  A.you are convenient            B.you will be convenient
  C.it is convenient to you         D.it will be convenient to you
  8.You can marself ______pretty well if you keep on speaking the language.
  A.undstand     B.to understand  C.understood      D. understanding
  9.There is no need ______.We have got plenty of time.
  A.having       B.to hurry       C.to be hurried    D.being hurried
  10.________I know, some of the city students are not fond of school.
  A.As long as    B.As well as     C.As soon as      D.As far as
  11.The song reminded me _______my childhood.
  A. of          B.on            C.in             D. to
  12.He had some bad meat._______,he fell ill this morning.
  A.In fact       B.As to          C.Because of     D.As a result
  13.---Would you mind my sitting here for a moment?
  A.Yes,please    B.Yes, of course   C.No, not at all   D.Surely
  14. If the work_______ahead of time, I will go with you.
  A. is finished    B.finishing       C.to finish       D.finished
  15. Don’t sit there ______nothing.Come and help me with this table.
  A. did          B. done          C.doing       D.and did
  Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents. The next day she drove her old car along the road. __16__ she found she got a flat. The 22-year-old student ___17__ to stop her car by the side of road in the winter night and opened the trunk. No __18_ tire(轮胎).
  At this time, a car _19__, Paul and Diane told Clay to __20__ them to a service station near their __21_. They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to __22___ with her car. “Follow us home,” said Paul.
  The couple called around to find a tire. No ___23_. They decided to let her use their own car. “Here,” Paul said, handing Clay a __24_ of keys. “Tar car, we _25__ be using it over holiday.”
  Clay was ___26_. “But I’m going all the way to South Carolina, and I’ll be gone for two weeks.” She ___27__them.
  “We know,” Paul said. “We’ll be __28_ when you get back. Here ‘s our number if you need to __29__ us.”
  Unable to believe her eyes, Clay watched as the __30___ put her luggage into their car and then __31___ her off. Two weeks later she __32___ to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio ___33___.
  “Than so much,” she said. “How much do I _34___?” “Oh, no, “Paul said, “ we don’t want any money. It’s our __35__.” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure, it was now her duty to pass on their “do onto others” spirit.
  16. A. Suddenly      B. Finally       C. Immediately      D. fortunately
  17. A. afforded      B. wanted        C. allowed          D. managed
  18. A. spare         B. free          C. full             D. empty
  19. A. passed        B. stopped       C. paused          D. started
  20. A. help          B. push          C. take            D. follow
  21. A. garage        B. house         C. shop            D. hotel
  22. A. agree         B. match         C. go              D. deal
  23. A. way          B. message       C. success          D. luck
  24. A. set           B. number        C. pair             D. lot
  25. A. can’t         B. shouldn’t       C. mustn’t          D. won’t
  26. A. satisfied      B. worried         C. surprised        D. disturbed
  27. A. persuaded     B. advised         C. reminded        D. promised
  28. A. happy        B. here            C. away           D. busy
  29. A. get in touch with                  B. lose touch with  
  C. be in touch with                D. put in touch with
  30. A. repairman     B. cleaners         C. friends           D. couple
  31. A. sent          B. shook           C. watched          D. drove
  32. A. shocked       B. happened        C. returned          D. came
  33. A. loaded        B. fixed            C. tied             D. rebuilt
  34. A. pay          B. lend             C. give             D. offer
  35. A. wish         B. job              C. duty             D. pleasure
  Many teenagers feel that the most important p

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